Chapter 2

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Adam and I walked, or in my case limped, through our front door.

Our house was simple and homey. Pictures lined the walls of Adam and I in various ages. One of Adam's prom. One of my first day of high school. It never failed to lighten up my depression, even if just by a hair.

It said to me that there was someone who cares.

Most don't realize how much a gift that was.

Though I soon realized I didn't have time to appreciate the awesomeness that was Kate.

There, in our living room, were two men in flannel. Adam and I couldn't help but note the shotguns they had pointed right at us.

"Who the Hell are you?" Adam exclaimed. He shifted himself slightly in front of me. Always the over protective brother.

"What the Hell are you?" The shorter one retorted. He seemed to be calling the shots.

The tall guy just stared us down.

My whole body ached and I was going with what I presumed was a week without sleep. I was not having any of this.

I exploded.

"Look, Random Dude," I yelled. "Adam just picked me up from a fucking week long bender!" I stared him down. "I'm tired, hung over, and could give two shits about why you're in our house. Leave before we call the cops." I let my shades slip down so they could see my bloodshot eyes.

Everyone's mouths fell open in shock.

"Kat, please don't tell the crazy dudes with guns what to do." Adam said sharply to me. He looked like he really wanted to smack me.

The two dudes glanced at each other. I guess they decided to ignore me.

"Walk into the kitchen." The short one ordered.

I wasn't going to do it. Fuck these guys. But Adam pulled me along until we were standing in our kitchen.

The short guy lowered his gun an pushed our salt shaker toward us.

Was he trying to kill us with sodium?

"Swallow some of this." Adam did what he said and then looked at me harshly.

I opened my mouth to protest and he intensified his glare.

I choked the salt down.

The guy took out a flask and handed it to Adam.

"Drink." Adam did it, which I thought was fucking stupid. Yeah, drink the mysterious liquid a guy with a gun is telling you to drink. Did he not pay attention to the stranger talk?

Adam seemed fine, so I repeated his actions. It was just water. Well, it tasted like it was just water.

The guys looked at each other again. They looked really confused.

"Hold out your arms." The tall one ordered now. We did what he said.

The short one took out a knife. I guess this was how it ended for us. Killed by two maniacs in our kitchen.

Then he handed it to Adam. "Cut a line in your arm." Adam gave me a WTF look and cut himself.

Then he cut me, which made me flinch.

"The fuck?!" I said and snatched my arm away.

The cut wasn't deep, but still. Who goes around cutting people with knives? Adam handed the knife back and ignored my protests.

The guys lowered their guns and had a shocked expression on their faces.

"Well, shit." The short one said. That was a good summarization of recent events.

A few minutes later and we suddenly had two older brothers and two dead parents.

We were told to pack up anything we needed because in a few hours everyone was gonna think we were dead when they found some dead shifters. A being that could shift to look like any person or animal perfectly.

Oh yeah, who knew all that supernatural crap was real? I mean, I've always been open. When you do the crap I do, you tend to see some weird stuff. But to have it confirmed was a disorienting experience.

I shoved my stash in my duffle bag along with my other shit. I was going to have to find a new dealer.

Adam looked at me knowingly and disapprovingly. I patted my bag and smirked. He sighed and went outside.

Adam and I were shoved in the back of the Impala. Sam got in Adam's car. They were gonna dump it in a parking lot. Adam watched his car be drove away with a helpless expression. Adam had worked years to buy that car.

It hadn't really sunk in yet that both Adam and I were now orphans. I shoved my grief back. It was easier than I thought, but then again I've had years of practice. Looking at Adam, I could tell he wasn't doing as well. His hands were clenched tightly and his face was stony.

I grabbed the hand closest to me and gripped I right in mine. He looked at me and I gave him a small smile. A corner of his lips slightly upturned before he started to stare out the window. He kept a hold of my hand.

Sam eventually rejoined us. He took his place in the passenger seat and looked back.

"We're heading somewhere safe, okay?" He said with a gentle smile. His sincerity practically radiated from his ridiculous Golden Retriever eyes.

It made me sick.

I ignored him and went back to staring at the window. I saw him frown out of the corner of my eye.

Whatever. I wasn't in the mood to socialize.

Dean drove through the night and we eventually pulled into the driveway of a junkyard.

Singer Salvage

We shuffled out of the car and followed Sam and Dean into the house. We passed a grouchy, older looking man in a ball cap and wheel chair. He didn't say anything to us.

Sam showed me and Adam a room.

"You guys will have to share." He said, with an apologetic smile.

I stared at him coldly until he left.

I didn't mean to be so bitchy, but it was too much. My parents were dead, I was still hungover, and my whole world had changed. I just needed to pass out for a while.

I shoved Adam over, fell down into the mattress, and did just that.

This entire day sucked ass.

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