Death and Mercy

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What Could Have Been 2016

"I believe you and I have a similar goal." I said, with a polite smile. Only a fool like Luci wouldn't respect this being.

"What would that be?" He questioned, uninterested.

"You want off your leash. I want to kill Satan. I think we've got things in common." That caught his attention.

"What do you require from me?"

Oh, not much at all. "Just your scythe."

"Have you ever have pizza from Chicago?"

What Could Have Been 2012

"You'll help me kill the devil and save my brothers?" I asked, skeptical.

Riley didn't do anything for free.

"All I want you to do is sign a little contract..." He said with a smirk.

I knew better.

Neither Dean or Sam ever went into detail about Dean's time in Hell. I suspect that not even Sam was ever told the full extent.

Not that there was much chance since they split up not long after he got back.

But God help me, I signed it.

I remembered the corpses I saw on the way her. I remembered the screams as I watched Croats tear into people. I watched my family fall apart.

God, though he's not there anymore, have mercy on me.

But I was a Winchester, there's no mercy for us.

They Called Her AngelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin