Chapter 8

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We appeared at Bobby's house a short while later.

"Just remember I got you kid." I held out my fist and Jesse bumped it with a shy smile. He wasn't such a bad kid, he just had a lot thrown on him.

I ruffled his hair and he laughed. Jessie really was a good kid. I wasn't gonna let Riley get his claws in him like he did to me. Not that Riley was all that bad, but Jesse deserved to be free.

We walked in to Sam and Dean's plotting session. There was some British dude there, along with Bobby and Adam. I got a demon vibe of him, which was surprising. After hearing about the whole Ruby thing, it was weird to see my family scheming with another one.

"Well, you're the one I've been hearing about." The British guy said with a charming smile. It reminded me of a used car salesman or a lawyer.

Yep. He was definitely a demon.

Then he looked at Jessie. "What is this lovely surprise?" I slid a bit in front of the kid.

"What's wrong with his face?" Jessie whispered to me. I guess he could see Demons like a prophet. Nice to know.

I laughed. "Shitty life choices." I said with a wink.

Understatement, since those life choices led him to become the twisted soul he was.

Sam and Dean looked up. "Jessie?" They said at the same time. They hadn't expected to see him ever again.

"Who's the kid?" Bobby and Adam asked. I guess they didn't hear about it.

"The Antichrist." British guy answered. The look on their faces was priceless and I would cherish it always.

A lightbulb went off.

"You must be Crowley." I said with a smile. Even I had to be impressed with this guy's drive. He wasted no time becoming the King of Hell after Lilith's demise.

He smiled charmingly. "You've heard of me." I had the distinct feeling this guy was a bit impressed with me as well.

"Do you have a freaking samurai sword?" Adam exclaimed. It only took everyone 30 minutes to notice the great, big sword on my back.

Everyone looked at me and gaped.

That's when Gabriel popped in.

He came with streamers and balloons. Also, a giant banner that read:

"I'm In Bitches!"


"You were dead!" Sam exclaimed. Hmm... Samikins seems a little to upset. I looked between him and Gabriel. Oh, I was so getting them together.

A tiny voiced whispered Sabriel. A louder voice told me not to ship my other brother with someone.

It sounded like Adam.

"I was! But I was brought back by something extremely powerful!" Wink, wink. "I've decided to use my new found life to end Luci's!" He said with a snap of his fingers. Then he had a sucker in his mouth.

"Great to have you on board." Dean said with an eye roll. His whole face read "not impressed".

"Good to see you Crowley." Gabriel said.

"Likewise Loki, or should I call you Gabriel?" He replied, looking pleased to be acknowledged.

"You two know each other?" Dean questioned in disbelief.

"We've crossed paths." Gabriel answered.

Adam and Bobby were so done with all of us. It was a delightful moment of exchanged looks. Those two had been spending way too much time together. I was scared to wake up one day and see Adam with a beard and a trucker hat.

"Sorry to interrupt this lovely reunion, but Gabriel I could actually use your help."

He gave me an over exaggerated bow. "What can I do for you? Always with a theatrical flair, that one.

I smiled.

Gabriel created what he called a "pocket dimension". Basically time would pass in there, but very little time would pass in our time. It came with the perks that Jesse and I wouldn't actually age no matter how long it felt.

"Okay, Kid, this requires great focus." Gabriel said. He had on the karate headband from Karate Kid.

He said it helped him bring out his inner Mr. Myagi.

Yeah, I thought it was bullshit too. He totally just wanted to wear the headband.

While he trained Jesse, I was sentenced to what Gabriel called "Mandatory Therapy To Deal With Your Shit".  It wasn't enough I was getting this from Riley. No, an Archangel with more issues than myself had to get in on it too.

So that's why I was sitting here on a couch, talking to a therapist who was in the know about the supernatural. Gabriel promised she was trustworthy.

I had to see her an hour everyday.

"Miss Winchester, why don't you tell me about your childhood?" I grimaced.

Fucking therapy.

It sorta pissed me off at how much it actually helped. Gabriel looked like a smug bastard every time I saw him.

It took Jessie and I eight months to improve enough on his control and me to deal with my shit before Gabriel deemed us ready to be released into the wild.

We arrived back at Bobby's house to discover shit had gone down while we were gone, which to them was only a few days.

"You sold your soul?!" I exclaimed. "To Crowley?!" Then I thought about it.

I looked at him and squinted. "Did you kiss him?"

Bobby tried to hide it but I saw the blush.

"OMG! You did!" I gasped.

"I heard he used tongue." Gabriel added.

I couldn't help it. I started to laugh. I had to sit down, because I was laughing so hard.

"Is Kat okay?" Jessie asked Gabriel.

"She's just finally lost what was left of her mind." He assured Jessie. "Nothing serious."

This was my life.


I was finally able to stop a few minutes later. "Hey, where's Adam?" I asked, looking around.

Bobby flinched and looked down. "Michael and his lackeys got to him. Dean managed to kill Zachariah, but it was too late to save him."

"What?" I whispered. My stomach dropped.

"I'm sorry, Kid." Bobby said. He really was. It was written all over his face.

I couldn't be angry at my family, especially Bobby. He and Adam had grown close together, with me traveling with Sam and Dean. It was killing the old guy, not that he'd admit it.

"What are we going to do?" I whispered.

"We have a plan." Bobby replied.

As he told me, I made some plans of my own.

Hopefully, Riley would agree.

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