Blood and Sacrifice

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What Could Have Been 2014

My kingdom was built on blood.

The blood I shed. The blood in my veins. The blood of a man I could have come to love one day. Who could have made me happy.

But he threatened my blood.

So I was forced to spill his.

That's what I tell myself anyway. The weight is not so heavy if I think like that. It's bearable that way.

In a way that weight is reassuring. It tells me I haven't become a complete monster.

Crowley stood beside me. I oddly liked the guy. His snark used to entertain me. It would be a shame when I would have to kill him.

He was getting greedy for the crown.

My crown sat on my head. Forged in the deepest pits of Hell and dipped in the blood of an innocent. It was menacing and terrifying in its beauty.

With hard work I had cut Lucifer's forces in half. Most have realized they were nothing but cannon fodder. But there were still those who were loyal to the end.

Like Meg, as my brothers called her.

She was kneeled and chained before me like the roach she was.

"Crowley, I think I'll give her to you." I mused to myself. "As long as you kill her after she breaks."

Crowley looked pleased with this idea. "Thank you, my Lady." He said only slightly sarcastic.

Meg laughed tauntingly.

"You think he can break me." She almost had tears. "There's nothing he can do I haven't had done."

Hmm. She had a point.

I smirked as an idea came into my mind. Meg looked slightly uneasy.

I snapped my fingers.

It was a habit I took from the Archangel Gabriel. He wasn't such a bad guy. We shared a lot of laughs.

Too bad Luci iced him.

Her face went white. "What did you do?!"

"I just took away all your memories of pain in general. From your mind and body, so there's no pesky tolerance getting in the way." I smiled brightly at her.

Meg screamed as they dragged her away.

More blood to add to the empire.

Just another day of being queen.


John called Kate.

There was no way he could raise a daughter like he raised his boys. There was ten times the danger. John couldn't handle anything happening to one of his children.

Kate was his only answer.

She was slightly miffed at him calling out of nowhere, but once he explained she agreed.

"Plus Adam would be happy to see you." She said.

John tried to ignore the little bit of happiness that flared when she said that. When was the last time a son of his had wanted him around? Dean, his eldest, was always happy to see him. But Dean was growing up and he hadn't forgiven John for driving Sam away.

Kaitlin barely spoke, but she seemed to like John well enough. She hadn't responded when he told her he was taking her someplace safe.

They arrived at Kate's a few days later. She had informed Adam of the situation and had set up the guest room for Kaitlin.

John only stayed the night, much to Adam's disappointment. Kaitlin surprised him with a hug.

John made sure to have a talk with Adam before he went.

" You're a big brother now, son." He said seriously. "You need to watch out for your little sister."

As he drove off he ignored the part of that said he was making a mistake. John knew better.

This was probably the least selfish thing he had ever done.

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