Chapter 7

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Sam and Dean are tripping out over God's message.

"Back off." The Big Guy said.

They weren't pleased with that. I wasn't really either, but I wasn't outraged by the news like the boys.

"It's about free will, right?" I interrupted Dean. "We've got solve this ourselves."

Joshua looked at me and smiled. "You've got some wisdom for one so young, Child."

I smile back. This dude wasn't so bad. Kinda refreshing from other Angels.

A flash. I found myself gasping for air in my body. I was still covered in bloodstains of my blood.

Riley was waiting and he was pissed.

"What the fuck happened?!" He asked, furious. "I couldn't feel you at all!"

"Well I got shot and I, uh, died." I answered. It was a bit strange to comprehend and I had been there.

"I couldn't feel your soul." He said, suspicious. He wasn't buying what I was selling. Which was unfair, I was totally telling the truth!

"Maybe it has something to do with the fact I was in Heaven." I said, a little too smugly. How you like them apples?

Silence met my answer. He was staring at me wide eyed.

"Impossible." He whispered. Always so dramatic.

"Not for God, apparently." I snorted. "He's given we Winchesters a free pass into Heaven every time we die. My guess is his decree triumphs your contract." I was taking a little too much satisfaction from this, I'll admit that.

Character growth.

I found myself with my back pressed against the wall. Riley against me.

"You know, I find I don't really care. Because as long as you breathe, you belong to me." He breathed into my ear.

He leaned in and kissed me. And boy, was it a kiss. A few centuries on Earth will teach you a thing or two.

Then he was gone and Sam and Dean were gasping for air like I was a minute ago, back from their trip upstairs.

"Welcome to the land of the living." I said to them. Their bad attitude totally followed them. Poor Josh tried to tell them, they didn't get that God was proving a point. A shitty way to go about it? Maybe. But the guy had to show that Free Will was worth everything.

A few weeks later and I was back at Bobby's.

Adam, who was helping him out with research, was becoming quite knowledgable about the Supernatural world. Bobby showed his appreciation by training him in hunting. He had been on a few trips and was really good.

It was late at night when I received a visitor.

Who turned out to be Riley, who was holding a katana.

So, in case I haven't mentioned, Gabriel's trip to tv land left a few...side effects. For one, I could speak and read fluent Japanese. Which Bobby loved because he had someone to speak it with. This led to some...interesting stories about his trips to Japan.

Let's just say, I don't believe I'll ever see him the same way.

Another thing, a whole lot more cool and way less traumatizing, was that I could now wield a sword. I'm talking about like a freaking ninja.

Don't ask how I realized this. It's not really my proudest moment. Not to mention it's better that Bobby never finds out.

"I got you something." He handed the blade to me.

It was lighter than I thought. The handle was gold, while was a word etched onto the blade that I couldn't read, it was a really old language though. To summarize, it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen and I was in love.

It came with a case to sheathe it in. I strapped it on. I felt badass.

Riley smirked. Oh yeah, he liked what he saw.

"I know you just didn't come here to ply me with presents." I said blandly. I couldn't let him think I was that easy.

He sighed, annoyed I ruined the moment but used to me by now. "Come on. You got shit to do."

Then I was in a random room.

Gabriel was on the floor. His wings blackened on the ground. His eyes staring at the ceiling, unseeing.

Shit, he was dead. It hit me a bit harder than I thought it would. He and I had a lot in common. Good thing I could do something about this.

I walked slowly to him and knelt down. I touched his face gently.

He came up gasping for air.

His golden eyes found my blue ones.

"How'd you do that?" He said, taking deep breaths. "I was dead, but then I wasn't."

"That's a long story Gabe." I said with a small smile."Basically it comes down to: I caught a glimpse of what was coming and I was offered a choice. I took the option that saved my family." I looked away. "Even though it costs me my freedom." He said nothing and looked at me wide eyed.

I helped him up. He dusted off the remains of his wings, which had taken a lot out of me to bring back.

"Who iced you?" I questioned. It would take some power to bring down an Archangel.

"Lucifer." I winced. That must suck. My brothers could be dicks, but they would never stab me.

"You on our side now?" I asked. I did just bring the dude back to life. He kinda owed me one.

"Hell yeah. I can't believe that dude! Taking out his own brother!" There may have been some pent up aggression in his tone.

"Lay low for a few days then make contact." I advise. I had learned some things from the councilor Riley kept making me see. Not making life changing decisions while experiencing great emotion was one of them. Sounded like some hippy dippy shit at first, but it made sense now.

"You're in a rush. Got a hot date?" He smirked.

"You're not the only business I need to take care of. Just remember you owe me." I replied.

With that I was on beach in Australia.

It was a nice place, secluded and beautiful. A real good place to hide out in an apocalypse.

"Who are you." A child's voice said.

I turned and saw a small boy. He looked about 9.

"You must be Jesse." I said with a smile. "I'm Kaitlin Winchester. You met my brothers Sam and Dean."

"What do you want?" He asked suspiciously. I can't blame the kid.

"Just to talk. And maybe make you an offer." I sat down and patted next to me. He sat and we looked at the water. "I know what it's like to be alone." I said with a sigh. "I've done some stupid shit because of it. And then I got lucky."


"I met my brothers. They taught me to think of something other than myself. To deal with my shit and make a difference. They gave me and our other brother a family when we lost everything."

"What do you have to offer?" He asked quietly.

"A family. And someone who can help you with your powers."

I looked him in the eyes.

"So what do you say?"

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