Chapter 5

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A/N: Wow this is a really long chapter for me. I couldn't resist throwing in a little crossover with Naruto when I decided to put Changing Channels in here. :) enjoy!

I felt a little different.


Riley had wiped my system clean of drugs. He also took the liberty of healing my body from the years of shit I've put it through.

"I need you at your best. I can't have you distracted." He said as an excuse.

I haven't been completely sober in years. It was weird.

Now, what Riley didn't tell me was that he had done something a little extra.

My drug habits had always been more psychological than physical. I could have quit way before if it hadn't been for all my memories and nightmares. Somehow, Riley had pushed all that crap to the back of my head. It was all a blur, unless I called upon a specific memory.

Fucking useful, even if it was probably cheating at being emotionally healthy.

Riley dropped me down the road from Bobby's house. I walked up the driveway and held back a sigh. The Impala was in his driveway. Looks like the Calvary was called in.

Well, fuck it.

Bobby met me at the door in his wheel chair.

"You're in some serious shit." He said.

"That's my natural state." I replied. I wouldn't be me if I wasn't in trouble. I was beginning to think it was a Winchester thing.

I lit up a cigarette. Wasn't like they would kill me anymore.

Dean and Sam jumped up.

"Where the fuck you been?!"Dean yelled.

Here we go.

I bullshitted them with ease about what I was doing. I went and bought some pot and then lost track of time.

They totally bought it. Only Adam was suspicious.

It was decided then that I couldn't be trusted on my own. So Dean and Sam made the executive decision to drag me along with them.

Fun. Cheap hotel rooms and even cheaper diner food.

This decision is how I found myself in front of a warehouse. Nothing special about it.

Just a warehouse.

Dean and Sam had been in there for hours and I was bored out of my mind.

I sighed, got out of the car, and walked in. This was probably(definitely) a bad idea. But I'm the queen of bad ideas, so I went in anyway.

"The fuck?"

I walked in to a scene from my favorite tv show.

Which was Naruto.

Everything was fucking creepy when it wasn't anime.

"Kaitlin-chan!" Naruto yelled. Then he tackled me in a hug.

"Naru-chan!" I yelled happily. Then I put my hands in front of my mouth.

Where the fuck did that come from?

Then a knife flew by our heads.

We were immediately on our feet. I had a freaking samurai sword.

Katana something whispered.

Then a fight was on.

It was freaky as Hell.

I was moving at speeds I only could ever dream of. I was doing flips and shit in the air. I was wielding that sword like I had been doing it forever. The thing was, I wasn't really in control of my body. It was like watching the show in some freaky 3D thing.

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