Chapter 3

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I slept for two days.

Two peaceful, uninterrupted days.

Adam had, knowing my habits, told everyone not to wake me.

God bless my brother.

I felt way too sober when I woke up. I would deal with it for a few hours. I was going to have to find a different source since all my old ones thought I was dead.

That was a problem for later though.

I went to brush my teeth and hissed at the bright fluorescent light of the bathroom. I took in my appearance and took a shower. By the look of my hair, I really needed one.

I threw on some sweat pants, a sports bra, and a tank top.

Fuck the day time, I thought as I slipped on my shades. I put my hair into a ponytail and glanced at the mirror. I've looked worse.

My stomach growled and I made my way downstairs. The house was dusty and there were books packed in every available space. It looked well lived in.

Everyone was sitting silently in the living room. It was awkward as fuck. Adam was in chair, not looking at any of the other people. The grouchy guy was looking like he wanted to face palm. Sam and Dean kept glancing at each other.

They all turned to look at me in synch. It was as creepy as it sounds.

"There's some beans in the cabinet." Adam said. I was so hungry I would eat his face. He knew this.

Thinking about that, I guess I probably shouldn't say that anymore.

"Good morning." Sam said. He was starting to creep me out with his cheerfulness and good nature. Who the fuck acts like that?

"Why are you wearing shades?" Dean asked. I get his question. Only d-bags wear shades at night or inside.

"Cause fuck light." I replied, as I opened up my beans. I grabbed a fork and ate them cold.

"That's disgusting." Sam wrinkled his nose.

"I've had worse." I took another bite. "Don't be such a princess."

Dean laughed. Adam gave a small smile. Sam scowled. "I'm not a princess."

"You got the hair of one." I retorted.

"Good one!" Dean praised.

I turned an unimpressed look on him. "You can't really talk with your eyes."

This time the old dude with the ball cap laughed too.

"What?" Dean said with a confused face.

"Remind me to make you watch Tangled." I said thoughtfully. Adam snorted.

The old dude cleared his throat. "Alright, that's enough."

We all looked expectantly at him.

"For those of you who don't know." He looked at me. "I'm Bobby Singer. Those are my beans you're eating."

"Lovely to meet you. These are delicious." I gestured at the beans in my hands. "Call me Angel."

Dean choked a little.

"I thought your name was Kaitlin?" Sam questioned.

"Only Adam gets to call me that." I said, sharply. He's the only one who's earned it.

Nobody commented and Bobby went back to talking.

"The idjits," He said, motioning toward Sam and Dean. "have told you about the supernatural, but you need to hear the whole story."

Then Bobby proceeded to tell us the most fucked up story I've ever heard.

Little Sammy was fed demon blood and their mom was killed by the same demon. Dad then went on a revenge quest which led to them being trained hunters, people who killed bad supernatural creatures. Sam went to college.

Sam and Dean got reunited after Sam's girl got offed. They tracked down Dad and the demon. Dad died to save Dean. The demon got Sam and a bunch of people like him to fight it out Hunger Games style.

Then Sam got stabbed and killed by some dude. Then there was shit about Dean selling his soul to save Sam, going to Hell, and breaking the first seal. Something about Sam going apeshit, killing Lilith, and freeing the Devil. Lucifer apparently wanted to kill us all. The end.


Oh, and if that wasn't enough, Sam and Dean were Lucifer and Michael's vessels.

"So we're all gonna die? That's nice." I said afterwards. Nobody else found my sarcastic commentary funny. Losers.

"Nobody is gonna die." Dean insisted. Sounds like he has a complex.

"We're going to find a way to stop him." Sam added. There goes that do-gooderness.

"What are Kat and I supposed to do? I was going to med-school! She had school!" Adam angrily questioned.

Yes, like I was worried about school at this point. It was still kinda nice to be included.

"I'm sorry but you're gonna have to stay here with Bobby." Dean said firmly. His tone left no room for argument.

"It's not safe for you two out there." Sam said with a polite smile.

Adam huffed and left the table. I set my beans down and followed him. We ended up in our room. He was sitting against the wall. I slid down next to him.

Adam was way different than me, yet the same. I was a constant explosion of emotions. If I was angry, I yelled. Happy, I laughed. Sadness though, I shoved that way down inside. Adam never got to really be a kid after I moved in. Not like Dean's level of parenting, but he had to constantly control his emotions so he could deal with me.

I mean you can't snap at a little kid all the time just because you feel pissy. Or, well, you can. It just makes you an ass.

So, knowing Adam like I do, it was only a matter of time before he exploded.

"What's up Doc?" I asked as we stared to the ceiling.

"Everything sucks Kat." He mumbled.

"I'll drink to that." I agreed. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I miss Mom." He whispered. A tear slipped down his face.

"Me too." I whispered back.

And there, in what little privacy we had, my brother and I grieved for what we had lost.

They Called Her AngelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang