Betrayal and Revelations

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What Could Have Been 2013

The knife was still in Riley's back.

Now that Sam had said yes, I couldn't trust his word. I wouldn't let him damn one of my blood. I wouldn't lose another sibling.

Never again.

Especially not Sam, who took great care of me when he finally tracked me down.

Adam was dead and gone, alongside the only mother that had ever given two shits about me, Kate. 

The world was going to Hell, literally, and I didn't care at all.

Sam gave me hope, gave me a reason to fight. He was why I spent my time plotting with ancient things and shadows.

I was sent off to Dean eventually. Sam had to track down a way to stop the Devil and wanted me somewhere safe, or as safe as you could get nowadays.

Dean was weary at first but took me in. He shaped me, made me a great hunter. I was the last person to know him as his true self and not the hardened, bitter man he's become.

He would never forgive me for this.

"What have you done?" He whispered, almost too horrified to speak.

"What I had to." I almost pleaded. I needed him to understand, this was the only way.

I had to protect them.

"Heard that before." He smiled bitterly.

"This is differ-" He cut me off.

"Get out." He said without any emotion.

"What?" Hurt cut deeply into my heart.

"Get out!" He roared. "I don't want to see you again! I will kill you!"

I rushed out. Cas was surprisingly sober. He looked worried.

"What's going on?" He questioned, his eyes widening.

"I'm leaving," I called over my shoulder as I walked toward my cabin. "For good."

"What?" He almost yelled.

I kept walking.

I have caused my family more pain to gain my power. If it didn't use it, there would be no point.

My sacrifices would be for nothing.

I'm taking the crown of Hell.

And I'm going to bring Lucifer to his knees.


John Winchester didn't do emotions. He was in 'Nam for God sakes. A marine. He hunted monsters while raising two boys.

He wasn't quite sure how to react with this kinda news.

"A daughter?" He asked in disbelief. He kinda remembered Rosalie. A student at a university. Wanted to be a lawyer. He had saved her from being murdered in a sacrifice by a witch.

"Your name is on the birth certificate. But we would like to do a DNA test to sure. With Ms. Harrison's past... we feel it's necessary." The kind social worker answered.

"Her...past?" The social worker sighed.

"She was a known prostitute and addict."

John sat stunned. He felt numb all over. He remembered Rose as a bright and funny girl. She was going places. To hear her life had deteriorated to such a point didn't make sense.

John, of course, consented to the DNA test. If the kid was his he had a responsibility.

He waited for three days.

He found he wasn't very surprised by the positive results.

Only then was he told the whole story. About Kaitlin and Kelsey. About Mike Stinson. His blood boiled just thinking about that pathetic excuse for a human being.

John watched his daughter, smaller than what she should have been, curl up into a ball and fall into an uneasy sleep.

All he could think about was that there should be another body next to hers.

John Winchester felt old.

And so very tired.

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