Chapter 9

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So it came down to Dean and I facing off Lucifer and Michael in a cemetery.

Not that I was supposed to be there. But, as everyone has long realized, I had a way of being places I wasn't supposed to be.

Cas was there as well, before Lucifer exploded him for throwing a specialized Molotov Cocktail at Michael. It was badass, Castiel showing he was truly a Winchester.

Dean had better fucking appreciate his memory after this, the angel who rebelled against everything he had ever known just for Dean.

Sam was fighting Lucifer's control for the moment. Never underestimate the power of family. It had caused all this, it would help stop it as well.

Sam managed to stop Lucifer from killing Dean. Even if he couldn't gain total control, he gave me some crucial time as a distraction.

I had to act really fast.

Michael looked at me with Adam's face and I snapped a little on the inside. It was my brother's face. The one I knew better than any other. But, I there was now a stranger that I could see in his eyes.

"Adam-" I began.

"Adam's not in control." Michael interrupted. He was annoyed by all of these going-ons. Still, rude to interrupt people.

"Shut up Choir Boy, I'm not talking to you!"I replied angrily and started again, talking fast. "Adam, I just want you to know everything I've done was for you and our family."

Michael looked confused.

I waved my hand and Michael and Lucifer froze.

Dean laid on the ground, coughing up blood.

"Wha-" He coughed. "What did you do?" He looked suspicious and a little betrayed. Poor Dean, he always has some sibling making stupid decisions.

"A deal." I smiled at him sadly. He looked at me, fear all over his face.

I walked over and put my hand on Michael and Lucifer's faces.

"Close your eyes Dean." He did as I said.

Despite what he was feeling he still trusted me to do right by him. It meant more than I can say.

A bright light erupted from my hand. It was like electricity. White hot heat and static. The light glowed so bright, it even blinded me for a few seconds.

Michael and Lucifer screamed.

The world disappeared.

Then, the light faded leaving behind two new bodies on the ground.

One looked like Luci's old vessel, a man named Nick. The other, surprisingly, looked sort of like a young John Winchester. It was a bit trippy.

"What did you do?" Lucifer hissed from Nic- no his body.

"You and Mikey here are now humans." I said cheerfully. "Your grace in is a place nobody will ever get it." I enjoyed his rage a bit more than I should've.

Sam and Adam each let out a painful groan from where they were lying on the ground.

"What happened?" Adam said as he rubbed his eyes.

"I did what I had too." I answered, realization about what would happen now that Riley had fulfilled his end of our deal was hitting me.

To my and the others' surprise, Cas was suddenly back and Dean was healed.

Everyone looked at me.

Wide eyed I replied, "That wasn't me."

Which meant- God? All of a sudden I knew what the Man in Charge wanted me to tell his wayward children.

"How dare you interfered in our father's plans!" Michael roared.

"Shut up!" I snapped. "If your Dad had wanted this to happen he never would have helped my brothers out like he did!"

Michael and Lucifer looked surprised.

I continued. "I've got a message by the way, the Big Guy says, 'My Sons, I love you. To learn from this you're going to live among the humans.'"

I looked at Dean and Sam. "He kinda hopes you guys can keep an eye on them, they can't actually hurt you anymore."

Dean opened his mouth to protest when the burning started. It crept its way up my spine. I let out a small whimper.

"Kat?!" Adam cried. At the same time, Sam shouted "What's wrong?!" and Dean yelled "Kid?!"

"It's time for me to pay up my side of this bargain." I grimaced at the searing heat. I shrugged off my jacket and noticed a black mark appearing on my wrist. That would be Riley claiming me.

"I love you guys, remember that." I said to my family. They needed to know that love was the catalyst to my decision. Family was worth it.

You're not a Winchester until you learn that.

Then I was ripped away from the scene and thrust into a chair located in a nice hotel room. Riley was there with two glasses filled with Champagne.

Riley smiled. "Cheer up, it's our special day!" He looked way too pleased with himself.

"You know they're gonna track me down." I said as I took one of the glasses.

"They can try." He replied with a smirk. Ahh, all that arrogance. It needs to stop being attractive. It's getting really inconvenient.

"Let's get this over with." I sighed.

Riley huffed. "You've got no sense of romance. I'm trying to woo here."

I rolled my eyes. "You can woo me after we get this done."

"Fine." He pouted. He looked more adorable than he should've.

H pulled out a silver knife and I moved to stand next to him.

He chanted something in Latin and said, "I consent."

He gave me a card to read, also in Latin. Then I repeated, "I consent."

He cut his hand and mine and placed them together.

"Pucker up, sweetheart." He smiled brightly. Then he planted one on me.

It was like something clicked.

I felt strange.

"That would be because I'm in your head." A voice said.

Riley. Riley was in my head.

"You didn't say anything about shit like this." I grumbled.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you how to put up a shield." He replied.

"You better."

"First we've got something to attend to."

I looked at him and he smirked.

That night didn't end as terrible as I feared.

It was actually sort of awesome, as dubious as my consent was.

Riley had eons, fucking millenniums of experience.

It showed.

I couldn't help but think he wasn't going to be as welcomed as he thought into the Winchester family.

Damn, I was seventeen and married to someone I couldn't exactly divorce.

Like, ever.


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