Fluffy Almost Ending

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A/N: So this was a fluffy ending I almost went with, but ultimately decided against. I'm a horrible person.

It was a year before I saw my brothers again.

They had just found our Grandpa Henry's super secret club's bunker and moved in.

Castiel and Dean got together. I actually sent Claire Novak their way. They were kinda raising her. Dadstiel was adorable.

It was fucking cute seeing Dean panic when she started dating a guy.

Gabriel, Lucifer, and Sam had some kind of an arrangement I tried not to think to hard about.

Luke, as everyone called him, was getting used to being human. He was fascinated by Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Which made me think Hell had frozen over. Crowley assured me it hadn't.

They were raising Jesse. He was thriving under their care. He gave Luke a purpose. It was therapeutic to be around such a sweet kid. Gabriel and Luke kept him in control of his powers.

Adam and Michael were adorable as shit. I never even saw that one coming. Adam had been showing Michael the ropes of being human and they just clicked.

Bobby and Crowley were doing something. Everyone chose to ignore it for personal sanity.

Castiel and Gabriel were helping Heaven turn over a new leaf. Raphael wasn't there to protest.

She was living a human life of her own, away from her family. She had her own path to follow for now. Her own lessons to learn.

There were some more new additions I sent their way.

Kevin, Prophet of The Lord and reader of Angel tablets, not that he was activated. It was good to get him in the Supernatural know, just in case. He was in advanced placement.

Charlie, Hacker and surprisingly adept Hunter. She and Dean were total geeks together.

Balthazar, Cas' bestie, thief, and hater of Titanic because of "that dreadful song".

They had a huge family, now. A large, dysfunctional, screwed up, unconventional family.

Isn't it beautiful?

I was really hopeful they would include Riley and I in it.

Especially now that I had an atom bomb to drop.

The first half of the year had been us tracking down and defeating demons who wanted to reignite the apocalypse.

The second half, Riley retired from running his criminal empire(He was only actually doing it in the first place because he was bored). He binded his powers and was essentially human for now. He now chose to pass the time as a lawyer.

It was scary how good he was. He defended innocent people pro bono. Most of his cases were victims suing powerful people.

He had an 100% success rate.

But this was his day job. He dedicated the rest if his time to me. I kinda grew to like the asshole. Maybe even love.

Since he was the one who pushed for me to reunite with my family, I found his current predicament hilarious.

"Stop laughing! What if they seriously kill me?!"

"Dude." I said rolling my eyes. "There's only two people who can actually kill you. Comes with being almost all powerful."

"But these are Winchesters! You guys do shit you shouldn't be able to!"

"Drama Queen." I thought to myself.

"I heard that!" He thought back.

I ignore him and knocked on the bunker's door.

Sam was the one to open it. His eyes widen when he saw me.

Then he passed out.

"Sammy?!" Gabriel said, running up to him. "What's wron-" He stopped and stared at me.

"Kiddo!" He wrapped me in a hug.

Then he froze and looked at my stomach.

"Gabe, I kinda want to tell everyone what's happened at the same time." I smiled nervously. Gabriel looked behind me and narrowed his eyes at Riley.

Riley waved sheepishly.

Gabriel snapped his fingers and suddenly we were in the Bunker's living room.

Along with everyone else.

"Angel?!" Everyone seemed to scream at once.

"Hey guys." I smiled. "Have I got a story to tell you."

Dean and Sam only tried to kill Riley twice.

Character growth is a thing.

Eight months later, Jonathan Robert Winchester was born surrounded by a family that included angels, ex-angels, hunters, an Antichrist, a hacker, a prophet, a demon, and Garth.

I'm still not sure why Garth was there.

Seriously, he just showed up.

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