Allies and Hooked

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What Could Have Been 2015

"You are not the face I expected to see."

"Considering I brought you back to life, I would be more grateful."

"You've certainly changed Little Winchester."

"Comes with being Queen of Hell and Braeden's Heir."

His golden eyes widened.

"You've got a lot to catch up on Gabriel."


They meet at a bar.

She's looking to score.

He's just enjoying business as usual.

He notices her right away. A face too young to be the host of so much pain in her soul. Yet despite it, her soul glowed.

Not as bright as the Righteous Man's, but still brighter than what was usual for a human.

He wasn't much to the average eye. To the Underground he was a fearless criminal leader who couldn't seem to get caught. Truth of the matter was that Riley was more, he just enjoyed the tricky games of illegal activity.

So he slipped out of his booth and made his way to the bar, ignoring the females who eyes followed him.

He slipped in beside her.

"Hey Babe." He flashed her his most charming smile. The one that had women throwing themselves at him for centuries.

She ignored him.

His interest was peaked.

He continued to stare until she huffed, turned, and said, "Hi, not interested."

Just like that he was hooked.

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