Chapter 4

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We had been at Bobby's for two weeks when the cravings hit.

Man they hit hard.

Dean and Sam had left a few days ago. They were back hunting and looking for answers. Tensions were running high between them and I was pretty sure they were about to explode.

I was starting to get the shakes. Before long Adam would notice and he'd get that look on his face that broke what was left of my heart.

Weed wasn't cutting it at the moment. So I waited until Bobby was busy researching and Adam was knocked out to leave.

It took me two hours to get to a town big enough for my purpose. I found the shiftiest bar I could and hit the back alley.

Sure enough, low and behold, a drug dealer.

I kept my hand on a pistol I slipped from a drawer. This wasn't my first rodeo.

The deal went down smooth enough. The guy was a business man after all. I gave him my money for his product.

Capitalism at its finest.

I got a pay by the hour motel. It was extremely shitty, but it served my purpose. I took out some salt to line the windows and drew a Devil's Trap. Bobby had been making Adam and I practice constantly. He had drilled us in protection shit.

I could barely see straight, but I figured none of it could hurt. Since there was forces of both Heaven and Hell gunning for Winchesters. On second thought, this was was probably a stupid idea, but I couldn't take it any more.

I locked myself in the bathroom and turned my phone off. I didn't want to see Adam calling and feel guilt.

I didn't want to feel anything.

So, I swallowed the pill and waited for my high to kick in. Shouldn't take long.

My hands stopped shaking, which I was grateful for. Can't get shit done with my hands doing that.

I started to drift in a nice, quiet space. No pain. No worries. No memories.

I eventually passed out. This was the only time I could sleep without the nightmares.

I woke up to the motel's door being kicked opened. I wasn't paying for that.

"Angel!" A familiar voice yelled.

Well fuck.

That voice wasn't anything good.

Adam's POV

"Where the fuck could she go?!" Dean yelled.

"In case you fucking forget!" I yelled back. "She's a fucking addict! My guess is she went to score! This is what she does."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"She goes on benders, disappears for days, if she doesn't call I eventually track her down." I answered.

"She's a kid! How the Hell is she an addict?" Dean exclaimed.

"It started when she was 13." I sighed. Who knew we'd end up here? "She came home high as Hell, it got worse from there. I don't know how to get her to stop because I understand why she does it." That's the fucked up part, I did understand. I'd probably be doing the same thing.

"What the Hell does that mean?" Dean yelled in frustration.

I looked down and smiled sadly. "You know she doesn't sleep a lot. Has too many nightmares. When she was a kid she used to wake up screaming." God, had that been scary. You don't forget screams like that.

"What are her nightmares about?" Sam asked.

"I promised her I'd never tell. I'm not going to break it." I sighed. "But it was stuff from the time before Dad dropped her off at our house." I looked up to meet their eyes. They caught my drift. Sam looked sad. Dean looked mad.

"It was some fucked up shit." That was probably an understatement.

The Motel Room

Sure enough, I opened the bathroom door and there stood Riley.

In all his fucking glory.

"Hey babe." He smirked. It was an attractive smirk, not that I'd tell him that.

"Don't call me babe." I said immediately. Can't have him thinking he can get away with things like that.

"I heard you were supposed to be dead." He said, ignoring me. "But to my surprise I hear from a source that you're alive and scoring." He sat in the motel room's chair. "I figured it was a miracle." I snorted.

He lit up a cigarette.

"But then I found out that you were related to the Winchesters." He took a puff. "And ain't it just like a Winchester to come back from the dead." His eyes flashed purple.

Well shit.

"That...actually explains a lot." I said thoughtfully. I glanced at the ceiling.

Why do I always attract the crazies? I pleaded. Riley interrupted my plea at the universe with a cough.

I looked back at him. "So you're a demon." I'm pretty sure we Winchesters are cursed.

"Not just a demon." He laughed. It was kinda creepy. "I'm the demon. Even Lilith was scared shitless of me. Everyone is really." He studied me. "Except for you. You've never gave two fucks about what I could do to you or for you." He smiled brightly at this.

"Ain't that why you liked me?" I questioned. He always got a kick out of my blunt nature.

He offered me a cigarette and I took it. He lit it for me.

"Because of our," he stopped and smirked. "mutual past I've got a proposition for you."

"I'm listening." I took a drag.

Riley smiled.

I ignored the cold dread that filled my stomach. When has it ever stopped me before?

"I just need you to sign something."

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