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The centuries have passed.

The Winchesters were all long gone.

They and their angels were resting in Heaven.

They didn't have many issues with them, seeing how Gabriel ran things up there now.

The legends of the Winchesters still lived. They were hailed as heroes.

Tales of their exploits were passed on. The Gospels sold more than the Bible. The movies were classics that were remade every decade or so. 

The world had eventually rebuilt itself, due to the Commander of Heaven and the Queen of Hell's efforts. Life rolled on. Babies were born. People died from more natural causes. Growing towns rested on the ashes and ruins of the past.

But out of all the Winchesters, there was one that stood out from the others. It was ironic, the Queen of Hell being known as a hero, even more ironic considering her name.

They called her Angel.

They Called Her AngelWhere stories live. Discover now