Part Six

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Part Six:

At midday, a portal opened up on Half-Blood Hill and spewed out two figures. Annabeth ran up to them, Percy following closely behind her.

Frank was helping Hazel to her feet when they arrived, and as Annabeth hugged Hazel, he went over to speak with Percy. "It'a been so long!" Hazel squealed. "I have so much to tell you, Piper and Calypso!"

"I'm so happy you decided to visit!" Annabeth replied, equally as enthusiastic.

Just before she started to drag Hazel away, Percy shouted something at Annabeth. "Meet me at the fireworks beach when dinner starts tonight!"

"Okay!" Annabeth replied cheerfully, then ran off with Hazel to find Piper and Calypso.


"So." Piper began. "What's up?"

"I'm sorry I haven't been keeping in touch with you, it's been pretty crazy the last month, but I have something important I want to tell you..." Hazel grinned.

"So do we!" Annabeth grinned.

"I'm pregnant!" Piper, Calypso and Annabeth said at the same time.

"What?" The colour drained from Hazel's face. "Not you guys too..."

"What?" Calypso asked. "You-you're pregnant? But you're so young... Have you told Frank yet?"

"I found out about a month ago and if course I've told Frank! Have you guys told...?"

"No. But I'm going to tell him tonight." Annabeth said.

"I'm telling Leo tomorrow." Calypso said. "After the campfire."

"Maybe tomorrow?" Piper said timidly. "I'm just, well, scared. What if he leaves me?" She burst into tears. Annabeth started to soothe her, patting her back and telling her it was alright.

"He won't leave you." She said calmly, as Piper sobbed on her shoulder.

"I-I don't feel v-very well." Piper hiccoughed. "I'm going to go l-lie down."

She wandered off, leaving Hazel, Calypso and Annabeth to chat.

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