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Draco Malfoy's P.O.V:

Diagon alley.

The place each an every witch and wizard loved. Its streets had everything ranging from potions to powders, quills and books, brooms and cauldrons, wands and charms... The whole lot.

The bustling streets provide a change of scenery for everyone, from the extremely busy wizard to the fashionably late witch.

Nothing could stop a man from admiring the streets of diagon alley.

"Draco!! Mate!! There you are! Why do you always leave me alone and wander around? You know that I am not good in finding my way inside this place. It freaks me out!!" Zabini whined.

Excuse my analogy... I meant that diagon alley is a dream come true for any witch or wizard who Do Not have annoyingly clingy friends.

Yea... fate loves to screw with me.

"Yes... Blaise. That is exactly why I left you alone to find your own way back. Honestly... Are you really a wizard or a muggle in disguise? Because if you are one, then i might have to report this to the ministry... I mean... Who doesn't know the ins and outs of diagon alley?" Draco asked incredulously.

"Don't insult me Malfoy. At least I am not the one with my face pressed up against a window like a five year old..." Blaise zabini replied.

Well... At the moment, as much as I try to deny it, I was indeed standing in front of a bookstore looking at all the new books written.

But I completely deny the pressed- to-the-window-display thing. I am a Malfoy!!!

I don't do the whole five year old thing. Except now maybe... Books are my weakness.

I just gave him a dirty look before moving on.

We both went to hogsmeade after that.

I really could use a drink because Blaise was eating my ear off by telling me about his brand new business entrepreneurship with his dad.

I stepped into the hogs head bar and ordered a fire whiskey for both of us when I heard the door bang open and the world famous bushy haired granger walked right in.

But... If looks could kill, she would have killed half the people in here by now.

She just ordered fire whisky and started to drink.

"What's gotten into granger? She looks like someone who has swallowed a can full of sour cream..." Blaise said.

I couldnt help but to agree with him... For a girl like granger, she looked pretty pissed off.

She kept glancing at the door like as if she expected someone to barge right in... but till now, no such luck.

I was trying my best to ignore the beaver... but I just mentioned that fate loves to screw with me.

Half an hour later, Blaise was pulling me to a seat right next to her.

"Listen Blaise, If you want to ask the hairy creature something, do it yourself. I have no interest in being punched again." I made myself clear, not wanting to experience that excruciating pain and humiliation again.

"Come on mate... Grow up. The war is over. There is no harm now to talk to her." he said.

"Its not that Blaise. I dont want the girls knuckles in my face, thats all..."

"Too late..." Blaise said, making me sit next to him while he sat one chair away from granger.

He ordered two butter beers for both of us, while making loud comments about the weather.

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