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I might have been turned to roadkill today.

No thanks to granger.

I have had it with the witch trying to make me a muggle.

It had just been three days after we moved in...

She came back into the house with this new card thing. She seemed pretty excited about it.

Because the witch was literally prancing around the house, humming to herself.


"Careful granger, the floor might get dented with you prancing all over it." I said.

But even that did not get her spirits down.

She gave me a card...

"What is it granger? And why is your picture here on this thing? And more importantly, why is it not moving?" I asked, rather alarmed about the picture not moving.

"That is a driver's license Malfoy. With this you can drive a car freely around anywhere in England. I just had my learner's permit till now. Today they gave me this." She said, very happily.

"But why is the picture not moving?" I asked.

"Muggle pictures don't move Malfoy. Didn't you learn that in muggle studies?" She asked.

"No... Who would want to learn about muggles anyway?? Never took that class." I said, rather repulsed.

"Well Malfoy, I suggest you get one for yourself too. You will need it." She said, taking the card back from me.

"No. I do not need one of those things for myself." I said.

"So... I'd imagine that you expect me to drive you around?" She asked.

"Well... Yes. I do expect you to drive me around." I said, with a wink.

She blushed.

"Get your head out of the gutter Malfoy." She said.

"Hey... Your words, not mine." I said.

"You are getting your license whether you like it or not. I am not going to..."

"Drive me around? Sure sure granger. We will see about that." I said.

"Ugh! You are such a pig!" She said and stormed out of the hall.

But I couldn't help but think that she was right about me getting a license.

I cant stand the thought of having granger drive me around.

Pun intended or not.

*end of flashback*

So here I was at the driving school, trying to get my license.

They told me that I have to learn the basic controls first on this car thing and then, once I have learnt it, they will let me drive it on the street with one of them accompanying me till they think I can drive safely on my own.

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