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"Ten galleons say that Hermione said the magic words yesterday." Blaise challenged Ginny.

"No. You're wrong. I have lived with Hermione under the same roof for a really long time. She thinks a lot before telling. She liked Ron for a long time before telling him anything." Ginny said.

"Things change redhead." Blaise said, looking pretty confident.

"Fine. Ten galleons it is. Get ready to pay up, fat boy." Ginny said.

"I am not fat! And I am not a boy either! I am a man!" Blaise said.

"Do your girlfriends agree with that last statement there?" Ginny asked, amusement tinged in her voice.

Blaise gasped. "I will have you know that... never mind. Ask my girlfriends. They will tell you."

"Will I know if I ask Julietta?" Ginny asked.

Blaise went red in the face.

"I haven't!..... we haven't!.... oh... I am going to kill Harry!" Blaise said.

Ginny just laughed.

They were currently in Blaise's car at 7:00 in the morning, heading towards their current destination. Casa grandé de Malfoy.

"This is so nice. There was this thing I had my eye on. I wanted to go get it today. Thankfully, no galleons will be spent out of my pocket." Ginny said.

"We will see, red. We will see." Blaise said, pulling up on the street where Hermione and family lived.

Ginny knocked the door.

Both of them were greeted by something neither of them expected.

Hermione was wearing Draco's shirt. And nothing else.

Her hair was messed up too.

Blaise and Ginny were shocked.

"Oh hey!" Hermione greeted enthusiastically, then she slowly seemed to realise how she must have looked like to them. The second she realised it, she went red in the face.

"This is not like how it looks. I swear. I had a tiny accident involving scalding coffee and avocado puree recently! Oh my God....." Hermione groaned.

The stunned twins wanted to believe her and almost did, but then the other person came into view, wearing nothing but shorts.

Draco saw the people at the door and went red with embarrasment. He snatched some pants that was conveniently placed on the sofa and ran into the kitchen.

Hermione went even more red if it was possible.

Blaise and Ginny entered the house, but they did not move an inch further away from the door, too stunned to even comprehend whatever the hell they assumed had happened between their friends.

A minute later, Draco came back, wearing pants that was stained with coffee.

"Umm... I know what you are thinking. But I swear nothing happened." Draco said.

"Breakfast adventures, huh Draco?" Blaise asked, now enjoying himself.

"No. No. It was not...." Draco started.

"Dont worry. I am not judging." Blaise said, as he went into the living room, lifting his hands in mock surrender.

"Ginny..." Hermione said.

Ginny just gestured her to stop and blocked her own view of her friends, somehow wishing that she had just not seen that. She had an expression of shock etched all over her face. Eyes bugged out and jaw hanging wide open.

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