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Bright lights.

Morning cold air.

Warm blanket being ripped off you.

Someone crazy jumping on your mattress, yelling "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!"

Typical Malfoy mornings.


Diane was jumping up and down on his bed like a kangaroo on caffeine.

Draco woke up pretty groggily. The previous evening had drained him emotionally. He slept only about two hours ago.

"What happened?" Draco asked, sleepy.

"Wake up dad! It is way past morning! There is breakfast downstairs! It smells so good." Diane said.

Draco did not want to make her feel worried. So he got freshened up and went down with Diane.

He was attacked. By the sweet smell of apples, cinnamon and sugar in the air.

He was pulled towards the dining room where Hermione was setting the table.

She looked pretty chirpy for a person who was an emotional wreck just a few hours ago.

Draco felt so angry he could just burst out. But Diane's big, hopeful eyes kept him quiet. All he could do was glare.

But he did not spare a glance at Hermione after that.

Hermione and Diane both came up with the whole  breakfast idea to cheer him up.

But now, Hermione was beginning to think that this might not work.

She felt heart broken when he glared at her when he entered the dining room.

She knew that all he wanted was to get out of there. But she was not going to let him leave.

Not a chance.

He quietly sat at the table and ate the food, sending smiles at Diane who was watching him like a hawk, asking him if the food was yummy or not.

There were croissants, English muffins and french toast, along with tea.

Draco was determined not to open his mouth. Whatever may happen.

Hermione could sense that and brought out the big guns.

The apple pie.

Its aroma was invading his senses. Telling him to stop being ridiculous and make things alright.

But this time, the stubborn slytherin side of him was winning.

"What do you think you are doing Granger?" He asked slowly.

"Serving pie. What does it look like?" Hermione asked.

"One minute. Outside." Draco said, pulling Hermione out into the backyard.

"Draco... I just want to.." Hermione started, but he held up his hand, effectively stopping her.

"Do you think a pie will convince me to stay back here? You still dont get it do you granger? I am leaving. Whatever you may do. I am." Draco said.

"You can make all the pies in the world. You can ask Diane to do the apologising for you countless of times. But I am still leaving. Nothing can change that." Draco said.

Hermione tried to reason with him.

"I already called Blaise. The one good thing that came out of this muggle lifestyle is that I got to know about this phone thing. I called him and made all the arrangements." Draco said, not believing that he had done all that.

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