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It was dark and cold. There was not much air to breathe. She was cold and hungry and there was no one in that place. Those people would just come once a day with food and they would just leave. Just those were the sounds she heard throughout the day. Otherwise it was complete silence.

She missed her. More than anyone else. She would close her eyes just to feel her warmth around. Sometimes she wished someone would end her misery. It had been days since she saw the light.

She snapped out of her thoughts suddenly to hear a huge breaking sound. It sounded so loud after complete silence for days. She did not know whether she should be happy or scared.

Part of her hoped it would be who she thought it would be, yet another part of her told her not to be so hopeful.

More smashing. Now she was more scared.

More explosions. More banging and now there was screaming too.

She held on to herself, seeing as there was nothing else to hold onto.

She heard another booming noise. More rumbling.

More fear sat in her mind.

One more boom. She screamed.

She then heard scuffling of feet. Then voices. Voices she had not heard in a long time.

"You cannot take her away! Come one more step closer and I will not hesitate to kill you all!" Someone screamed.

'You all?' That means it was more than one person there.

"Stupefy!" Someone shouted and then there was more words. Words she could not understand.

Suddenly there was nothing. Not a sound.

"Are you in there?" Someone asked.

She was not sure who was being adressed.

"Diane, are you in there? Please say something. We need to get you out of there. Say something sweetie." He said.

She remembered that name. It was what people called her. So she did the only sane thing. She responded.

And then there was more noise.

Neville longbottom was pacing the long corridors of the hospital. Dean and the others were also seated there.

Weiss was healing the minor injuries on them. No one said anything. The scenes there were too gruesome to even discuss.

Soon three other people apparated in there. Two of them were part of the golden trio and the other woman was a person of great importance to the chosen one and a pretty good auror herself.

"What is the status on her neville? Is she alright? Did anything happen to any of you? Casualties?" Harry rambled.

"Calm down harry. We are fine. Just minor injuries. Weiss is fixing us up. But the person you should be more worried about is diane."Neville said, taking a deep breath.

"She is dying harry."

Ginny gasped. Harry and ron were shocked.

"H-How? She is just a small girl! She cannot die!" Ginny exclaimed.

Harry held Ginny and asked...

"What happened Neville?"

"She has lost a lot of blood. Cruciatus curse." Neville winced. "She needs blood. Quickly. They are looking for suitable donors. None of us are donors. And unfortunately, neither are you."

"What about hermione? Is she a match?" Ron asked.

"I dont think so. Records dont show that. Unfortunately, there is only one person who we know can be a donor." Weiss said.

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