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Hermione was upto her knees in work.

She had to brew the potion and the bloody twit called Draco Malfoy was not making things easier either.

While she was up in her room making the potion in her own bathroom, he kept calling her out just for the fun of it.

And now Hermione decided she just about had enough.

"Granger! Come here and look at this gigantic animal in this tv thing! I think its about to eat the smaller animal." Draco shouted.

"Not now malfoy! I am busy." Hermione replied.

Silence. Sweet sweet silence.

Hermione was just about to add the last ingriedient to the potion when Draco started to scream like a little girl. Rather loudly.

Hermione almost toppled the cauldron. She added the last ingriedient and gave it a quick stir before heading downstairs, all the while forming a plan as to how to turn malfoy into a silent vase and keep him in the living room forever.

She went into the living room, expecting a smirking Draco, but what she got was much more than that.

She got a malfoy hiding behind the sofa cushions, afraid of a scene where a spider was deliciously eating its prey.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked.

"Its horrible. Just horrible. Change the bloody screen granger! I dont want to look at it." Draco said from behind the cushion.

Hermione laughed and changed the channel to a cartoon one.

Draco slowly looked up from behind the cushion and sighed in relief.

"Are you scared of spiders malfoy?" Hermione asked.

"No. I am not. I have jut not seen a spider eat anything. In my life. Snakes, yes. But not spiders. I will definitely have nightmares about this tonight." Draco said.

Hermione immediately thought about Nagini, the snake who had tried to kill her and her friends on multiple occasions, until Neville killed it of course.

Hermione just nodded and focused on the tv screen.

The potion was all done. It just needed an hour of resting.

"The potion is done. After an hour we can drink it and see how much it reduces the aura." Hermione said, sitting on the single sofa.

"Hmm. Sure." Draco said, not looking at her. He was still thinking about something. Hermione guessed it would be about nagini.

"Stop thinking about that snake. Its gone." Hermione said.

"I know that." He said, still not looking at her.

"Ok that's it. You are not watching animal planet again. Stick to the news and cartoons." Hermione said in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"What are cartoons?" Draco asked.

Hermione simply pointed to the tv screen. Draco observed them for a minute.

"What are those things? They are more mentally disturbing than the spiders." Draco said.

"They are drawings. They move. Kids love watching them. Some adults too." Hermione explained.

"They allow kids to watch this abomination? No wonder muggle kids are all so stupid and so out of it. You dont see kids in the wizarding world watch this... bullcrap." Draco huffed.

"Hey! Muggle kids are not stupid. Some are really smart. I watch these too. I have been watching them since I was four." Hermione said.

"No wonder. I finally got an explanation for your extreme craziness. Only a person so messed up in the head would develop feelings for the weasel king. Tell me how exactly..." Draco did not get to complete his sentence as a cushion came flying and hit him square in the face.

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