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That was how Draco Malfoy felt when he drank the special potion that he had asked Blaise to bring.

It was a magic restorative potion. An antidote to the aura and magic diminishing potion Hermione had given him.

So yes, he was feeling tingly and buzzy. And it was not a comfortable feeling.

"Are you alright? Or do you want me to stop?" Blaise asked.

"I am fine Blaise." Draco said, trying not to fidget.

"Well, we have to stop. Out of fuel." Blaise said, driving to a petrol station.
Blaise got out of the car to attend a call.

Draco preferred sitting in the car, looking at the people and cars passing by, leading their own lives.

Feeling lonely and dejected.

He wanted to curl up on the floor and make it all go away. He wanted her to love him.

Only him and no one else. But she was not ready for that. And he did not want to bother her more than he already did.

He felt like someone had shot him through the heart. But the buzzing effect of the potion was interfering with his own personal whirlpool of emotions.

Once the fuel was filled, they were off again.

"Stupid muggle vehicle. It drinks gallons of fuel just like that. This trouble is not there in magical vehicles. No. We run through pure magic." Blaise grumbled.

Draco thought about the car rides he had in the past two and a half months.

"It is quite alright, I think. It gives you a sense of freedom and it achieves great speeds easily. It is a great contraption." He said.

Blaise looked at him in surprise.

"Did I just hear you right? Draco Malfoy appreciating muggle items? Who would have thought?" Blaise said, amusedly.

"Well, it is the only other thing I got out of staying there." Draco said, quite missing the silver, shiny contraption, missing it and his family.

Blaise immediately went silent, not wanting to talk about that morning.

They drove for a good mile before Draco started to notice the increasing lack of general public on the streets. The buildings were becoming less and the greenery was becoming more prominent.

"Blaise? Where are we going?" Draco asked.

"Oh, we are going towards my father's summer house." Blaise said.

"Why are we not going to your place in London?" Draco asked.

"Umm... because, I did not tell your mother anything. I dont want to make her worry unnecessarily." Blaise said.

"And what makes you think that whatever happened is not serious enough to be told? To my mother of all people?" Draco asked.

"Since I started to care." Blaise deadpanned.

Draco stared at him for a good ten minutes. He could see the beads of perspiration beginning to form on Blaise's forehead.

"Blaise..." Draco said.

"Alright! I was lying! We are not going to my summer house. I dont have a summer house here! But I do care about your mother though. And I think this is a totally unnecessary move on your part. And I really think that..." Blaise rambled on.

"Blaise. What's going on?" Draco asked.

Blaise took a deep breath before stopping the car in the middle of a deserted road.

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