Chapter 2 { Breaking News }

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><><><Mystery's P.O.V><><><

I watch as the humans make a fuss. This Justice Leaguers are taking Quantum's arrival interesting.

"zzzzzz, Breaking News! Some sort of meteor, has crash landed in Thar Desert." The screen turned to a video, of a object that looked like a rock, but was to hard to tell, because there were so many flames. "No word has been given from the Justice League that are checking out the scene. The meteor came out of nowhere. Scientist can't pinpoint where this mystery meteor has come from. Back to you Jeff." Random News Lady said.

><><><Half an Hour Before><><><

I watch as the humans bicker.

"A meteor has landed in the Thar Desert, me, Flash, and Wonder Woman will check out the scene. Both Green Lantrens are off world. Superman, Hawkgirl, and green arrow are on a different mission. Another members are unavailable." Batman said in a tone only he could have, to Wonder Woman and Flash.

"Why is this so important, I got other things to do." Flash complained.

Batman glared at Flash.

"What! I'm just saying, I think we have better things to do, then look at rocks." Flash yelled sarcastically. Throwing his hands in the air, in defence.

"Let's just go check it out already." Said Wonder Woman. Just wanting to get the mission finished already.

><><><15 Minutes Later><><><

After Batman, Flash, and Wonder Woman used their teleporting machines (Zeta Tubes) to get to the Thar Desert. They followed the trail of smoke, and soon the path of destruction.

The path wasn't right for a normal meteor.

Some of the sand turned to glass. There were spots of blood in places. The 3 league members quickly realized, that it was no meteor that had fallen.

They all traveled to where the 'meteor' hit. They all seemed very surprised to what they saw. Expect Batman who hide his small shock.

There in the center was an unconscious girl, also known as Robin Sliver, but unknown to the leaguers. She was barely moving, all but small breaths. Deep cuts were on her arms, legs, and some on her face. Her cuts were drenched in blood. The tips of her pants and sleeves were burned to a crisp. Her dark brown hair soaked in blood.

That's what happens when you die sometimes. It might also be the fact that she accidentally crossed dimensions.

The scarlet speedster quickly took action. He raced to her side, and checked her pulse. His eyes widened.

"Guys! She's alive!" He shouted at his companions at the top. Batman didn't looked surprised, after all he was standing next to an Amazon princess.

"How is that possible, falling that height would kill a person." Wonder Woman asked or sorta stated. The answer was simple, she wasn't human.

"I don't know, but right now that isn't the problem. She needs medical help now." Batman said to Wonder Woman.

"But there isn't a hospital anywhere near, if I run her anywhere there's a chance I might make it worse. The closest thing is the Zeta Tubes." Stated Flash. Batman glared at Flash, like it was obvious.

"What! Take her to the Watch Tower! We don't even know her!" Flash raised his voice in surprise. The speedster is all about helping people, but it's taking a big risk bring her to the Watch Tower.

People get so surprised so easily.

"What other choice is there." Said Batman. Seeming so clam and sure.

The discussion was over. The 3 plus another, raced back to the Zeta Tubes. Hoping that they would be fast enough. What they didn't know was, that no matter were they take her, she can help back to normal health in a matter of hours, maybe days.


Sorry for the wait and that its shorter the usual, but yah! Chapter 2 is out!

Now that you know she crossed dimensions, into the DC world. Yay!

Hope you loved the chapter. Please like and comment. Thanks.

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