Chapter 12 { Fly Like A Robin }

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><><><Quantum's P.O.V><><><Day 5 After Explosion><><><

My eyes shoot open, and I jolt up from the cot. Sweat poring from my face.

You see, once the mark on my arm appeared, I've been having dreams every time I close my eyes. So the chances for me to just sleep, is like winning the lottery.

Yesterday me and Sky did more researching. We didn't find anything interesting. Today Sky said she would start training me, I don't know why she offered, but hopefully this all doesn't blowup in my face. I got up. Looks like Sky isn't here, like always. Mentally sigh, why do I trust a crazy person?

I got changed into a tank top and sweats, and my muddy shoes. If your wondering were I got if from, I stole them, sssshhhhhh. Know that I think of it, why didn't I get a new pair of shoes?

I walked out. I found Sky cooking some fish. Is that girl a cat? Would explain a bunch, but probably not.

"Are you ready to start some training?" Sky asked me not looking away from her fish. In my head, I imagine cat ears on the top of her head. "What's so funny." She asked. "Nothing!" I shouted to quickly. Sky looked me in the eye, and raised her eyebrow. "It's nothing!" I exclaimed, and raised my hands in surrender. Sky didn't comment back.

"Here." I was handed a plastic plate of fish. I wouldn't say it was horrible, but I wouldn't say it's the most amazing thing I've ever had. Took me about 5 minutes to finish. I dropped a piece of fish, I just pretended it never happened, and walked away.

I found Sky again by the river, but when I got close, she bolted off. "Where you going?" I screamed, chasing Sky. She didn't answer. Next thing I do, is lose her. Perfect! Just perfect.

I ran they way I last say Sky. I yelled "Sky." A few times. Hmmm let's try something. I took a breath, I closed my eyes. I have no words to explain how I do this, but it's like... If I want to see anything, I can. Took me a minute, then I found Sky. I opened my eyes, and started to climb the tree. If I say so myself, I'm an awesome tree climber.

I spotted Sky, she saw that I saw her. "Your tree climbing skills need practice." She said to me. I ignored her and focused on climbing. Once I slowly got up, I sat on the branch next to Sky. "Why did you run off?" I asked. "You wanted me to train you didn't you?" She asked-ish. I nodded. "Good, but before I start, we go over MY rules." She said to me.

"Rule #1 you listen to what I say." K "Rule #2 when I tell you to do something, you do it, NO if''s, why's, or but's." I laughed about the end. Sky glared at me. "Sorry." I said quickly, then shut up. "Rule #3, keep in mind of what I tell you. I'll make new rules on the way. And last of all..." I small smirk appeared on her face. My eyes widened like saucers. Oh no.

"Be prepared for anything." Then she pushed me. I lost my balance, I couldn't grab the tree fast enough. I fell. I screamed so loud. IM GOING TO KILL SKY!!!

"Are you done yet?" What? I opened one of my eyes, then the other. What? How am I not falling to my doom right now? "You're flying you idiot." Sky said. I'm sorry, but did I hear her right? I looked around me, there was this bluey/teal colour around me. I. AM. FLYING!!!

"Icanfly! Icanfly! Omg this is going to be so fun!" I probably look like an exiting puppy, by the look on Sky's face. Oh, it's my time to smirk. Mawhahaha, cough cough. Hahahaha!

I shoot up into the air. IM GOING SO FAST!! Ooooooh yaaaaah!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!! I'm flying superman style, almost, I got the hand part down. One one my legs are straight, the other one is bent, not broken, uhh what was the word. You know what never mind. Hopefully you get the idea.

Speaking of ideas, do I have any idea where I'm going? I looked around, I saw I large plane coming my way. I yelped I flew away. A little faster and higher than I would have liked, but this is to fun to stop. But Sky might get mad at me, might want to come down, before she changes my mind on training me. Uhh how do I stop? Uhhhh, ahhhhhhhh!

I couldn't stop, I ended up crashing into a rock. Oww oww oww oww. At least I stopped. I eventually got up, I stared in awe. IM. IN. OUTER-SPACE!!!!! Eek! Ahhhh! Yahhhh! I can check that off my bucket list know. THERE ARE SO MANY STARS!!! It's so colourful!!!!! Is that the moon! Wow, look at the sun!How am I breathing right know? I CAN BREATHE IN SPACE TOO!!! Dream come true, then mentally died and came back to life. I was to busy geeking out, to notice I was fall, not until in was at the earths atmosphere.

I'm on fire! FIRE FIRE!!!! (Fire tonight!) I'm going to go spat. Yah. (Sarcasm)

The ground comes closer and closer, I'm also still on fire! This is going to hurt.


Oooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! I'm not going to get up for another thousands years. I left a big crater of fire and rock, destroying anything trees in my way. I say someone come up to me, loudly snickering, yep that's Sky. And I was so close to getting her to laugh. Yesterday I spent a few hours, to do one goal, make her laugh, didn't happen.

"I would help you up, but you ditched me so, I quess not." The raven haired girl said. "And after you get up, I want you to do 100 push ups, and 3 laps around the entire river." She said next. "I just fell out of the sky woman, give me a break!"  I yelled at Sky, painfully getting up. "Nope, you signed up for this." Said Sky. "But.." I started, Sky cut me off. "Remember the rules." Said Sky. "You're cruel." I glared at her. "Sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind." Sky said back. I glared at her harder. I DISLIKE YOU! I have no come backs for that. "I will have a comeback for that when I get back!" I yelled at Sky who was walking away. YOU WIN THIS TIME, BUT MARK MY WORD, THIS IS NOT OVER!

Me: Hopefully you liked my chapter!
Quantum: Of course they did! I was in it!
Me: *Glares, about to delete Quantum's mouth.*
Quantum: Oh no you don't. *grabs laptop and teleports away.*
Me: *Jaw dropped.* What? How? What?
Quantum: *comes back with pitchfork and angry mob* let's kill the witch!
Me: What!!! *runs* please like and comment!! *runs again screaming.*
Quantum: *runs with pitchfork*

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