Chapter 11 { Bethany }

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Me: I just realized that there's a dinosaur in the background, please ignore that, pretend it's a horse. Hehe. *hides behind Quantum*
Quantum: What are you doing? Face the people.
Me: I like it better here.
Quantum: Oh, come on they won't kill you.
Me: They can verbally kill me. *stares at gnkp89 * I may be a Phoenix, but you killed me more than once.
Quantum: But that didn't really happen.
Me: In your world it's real! So shut up.
Quantum: y...
Me: *glares* maybe I should remove that mouth of yours.

><><><Quantum's P.O.V><><><

As I sank into the world of dreams, my heartbeat slowed down a lot.


My eyes flung open. My brain didn't seem to be realizing, what was happening for a few seconds. The world was a blurry mess. But my eyes, in time, adjusted to the world around me.

What the....not going to finish that sentence.

How did I get here?

The air was full of smoke, it was hard to breath. I was actually having a really hard time, breathing at all. I was gasping for air furiously. I fell on my knees, trying to get my breath. My lungs felt like they were on fire, and someone poured hot sauce down my throat.

Looking down at my hands, sat leather gloves, I don't own a pair of gloves. My eyes drawn to in front of me. Oh my.... There's a bunch of dead people around me. What am I doing here? I couldn't help but look at the armor, that every man and some women had on. It looked like it belonged in a museum. I look like I belong in a museum!

Then someone screamed behind me. I turned around. I bearded man, in leather armor, came charging at me. He swung a sword at me, that looked like a pirate sword. He looked like a pirate anyway, with out the sword. Eep! I raised my arms in front of me, to block. I'm going to get my arm cut off! I closed my eyes. I waited for pain, didn't come. I opened my eyes, the Pirate was on the ground, stabbed by his own sword.

I looked over to a man, that looked a little older than me. He had messy brown hair, and vibrant green eyes. He had impressive looking armor on. He was only about a few mms taller than me. He was very handsome. What did I just say!?!!

"You should be more careful Bethany! You could have had your head cut off! I thought you were more skilled than that, hm though it would be funny, out of everything you've fought, killed by a simple pirate." He laughed. "Who would of thought." He finished.

"Hey! Last time I remember, I had to save your arrogant ass from drowning, in a pond!" Uhh I don't remember! And my name is definitely not Bethany!

"You swore that we would never speak of it again." He frowned.

A smile/smirk lifted to my face. "I lied." What am I saying? Who are you? Wait why can't I say anything? But, ahhhh! Never Mind! Let's just see.

"Plus it isn't my fault, you can't swim." A bigger smirk peeled it's self on my face. He angrily stomped away. Lol, I love this girl, or me? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  I.., her, she, umm Bethany laughed, as we, I? Watched the dude stomp angrily away.


My eyes slowly opened. My vision didn't focus that well. It's still night. Well, yah! Because it's dark. I looked around the room, cave. Blood red eyes started at me!


Something was shaking me. I didn't hear anything at first, but it got louder and louder. "WAKE UP!!!!" I jumped right then and there. I landed on the floor. I mumbled an oww. I looked up to see Sky. "Do you always sleep in this late?" She asked, no emotion on her face. "What time is it?" I asked, not moving from the face plant I was in. "6:30." What! "Why did you wake me up so early! And how is 6:30 late?!" I yelled, well, the best I could, I was half asleep. "Never mind, let's just got to the library." She throw me some cloths. "Put this on, your cloth are still wet." Then she left.

I put on the clothes. It was leather pants, tank top, leather jacket, and I put my shoes. I walked out of the cave. I saw Sky leaning against the wall, waiting for me. "Does everything you own leather?" I asked. Somehow I don't think see going to answer.

><><><When We Got To The Library><><><

People were looking at us weirdly, because we looked like bikers or something. I don't know. But they look judgemental. Sky headed for the computers. I sat next to her.

><><><Running Around, Researching, 10 Hours, and Napping Later><><><

I was snoring away on the table. The I heard an "ah ha!". I woke up, loudly. "I found out how to turn on the computer." I glared at her. "You mean, I've been here for the last 10 hours, FOR NOTHING!!!" Looks like my plan not to explode, was flushed down the toilet, the thrown into a pit of acid.

She looked at me. "That was a joke. No, actually I found the mark." I stared at her in disbelief, did she just try and make a joke. Ugh, I want to be so angry at her. I just can't. I just dramatically sighed. "What do ya have?" I asked. "Ok, to summarize it. Somewhere in the medieval times, it was a symbol tattooed on the arm of a powerful guild of warriors. There leader was said to be a goddess, she could pass the mark down. Blinded the mark to the person. The mark was blinded to the leader." She stopped. "Is that all there is?" I need mor information.

She didn't answer, so I began. "Does it say what they were doing? Does it say who the leader was? Does it even say.." "I know." Sky said. "I'm sorry, what." I looked in her eyes. There was a hint of red. Probably a reflection. "I know your not from this earth." She whispered to me. I sat there in shock. "" Brain malfunction.

"Long story short, I just know." Sky said. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.(looks like her brains malfunctioning again.)

"You going to say something?" Sky asked. Uhhhhhh...umm. "Ok maybe you need to talk." She said. She sighed quietly. "Let's just get back to my house." She said.


I was back at Sky's cave. My brain finally started again. Somehow we got into the conversation of my life story and problems. I feel like an idiot. Sky sat there just umhmm-ing. She reminded me of a therapist.

"I see your problem. I could teach you to fight, and maybe get a better grip on your abilities." Sky offered me. I looked up to her, I was laying on the cot. "You'd really do that?" I asked. She nodded.

"I think this is the start of the to a beautiful friendship." "Sure go with that." Sky said a very small hint of sarcasm. YES!!!! SHE FINALLY SHOWED SOME EMOTION!!!!


Me: So I wanted to add this texting, in a word, what do you think? Yes, no?
Quantum: Yess! Because it adds more of me!
Me: Still thinking about removing your mouth! So just say, what I want told you to say!
Quantum: *sigh* why do you do this to me. *fake smiles* please like and comment. Happy?
Me:*smiles* very.

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