Chapter 9 { Childhood }

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Sketch ideas for Quantum. I did it myself!

><><><Robin's P.O.V 10 Years Ago><><><

I sat on top of the branch of the large tree, hand over my mouth. This is the best hide spot ever. Sam will never find me. Too bad Kylie is sick, she would of loved this.

"5..4...3....2...1 ready or not, here I come." I heard Sam yell in the background. I watch Sam like a cat.

"Ummm." He hummed. "Are you!" Sam jumped at a bush. I tried to hold back my laughter with my hand.

Please don't hear me, please don't hear me, please don't hear me. Then I held my breath. I could see Sam, if he looked up, I lose. I don't lose. I didn't dare move. Then he turned around, I let out a sigh. He looked at me. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, ooooooooooooooooooooooo, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,oooooooooooo,ooo, ooo,o.

"Found you!" A big wide toothy grin, appeared on Sam's face.

"Nooooo you didn't, you just found a kid that's awesome, that looks like your friend." I said coming down the tree. In my years latest puffy pink tutu, and sparky cat eye sunglasses.

"Ah, you just can't admit that you lost." He said very cheeky.

"Naw uh." I wined. "I can't, because it's not true. I've been taught to tell the truth." I said lifting my head high. Trying to look like royalty. Sam laughed at me, I stuck out my tongue.

"It's your turn, go hide." I commanded.

"As you wish, all mighty princess*cough, frog*" Sam said and bowed.

"I heard that peasant!" I yelled. Sam went running for the hills. I turned around to the tree, closed my eyes. "30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 ready or not, here I come." I yelled.

I ran over to the bushes. I looked over to see Sam. "Found you!" I yelled in Sam's face. His blue eyes widened. "How did you find me so quick?" He asked. "I'm just way more awesome than you, that's how." Victory smile plastered on my face.

Also the fact, that every time we play hind and seek, you alway hide in the bushes.

><><><Time Skip 30 Minutes><><><

"I still have no idea, how I agreed to this." Sam said.

"You lost, remember. Loser has to what ever winner says, FOR THE REST OF THE DAY." I said smiling.

"Yes, but why, why do you do this to me?" He said looking down at the pink puffy dress and tiara, and heels, I specially picked for him. 

"You should be honoured. The worlds greatest fashion designer, did make it for you, which is mwah. Might I say, pink isn't your colour." I simply told Sam.

"Now join me. I can't have tea alone." I sat down on my throne. With the table next to it. With the richest, most fanciest tea ever.

He did as he was told, sat down and pouted. I heard a faint laughter behind me. Sam's mom held a camera, she took a picture of use. Sam's face went bright red. "Mom!!" He wined. "Oh, send me the picture, I'll add it to my collection." I said to Sam's mom. Sam's face darkened a shade.

><><><Melody's P.O.V Present Time><><><

I convinced Fury to let me into my house. I was going to pack up Robin's things. I was breaking into tears already. First thing I looked for was a box fill of her photos. I found it under her bed.

One photo was of her and Sam, she got Sam in a dress, and got him to a tea party. The second one I picked up was her and Sam's first day of school. Another was of her and Sam smiling like goof ball, when they where 8. There where other photos of her and Sam. There was a few of her and Kylie. At the bottom of the box, was a video her and Sam made, it ended with them fighting over who would save who. There where some rocks. Then there were a few friend ship bracelets.

Her and Sam were best friends. She would always act like a princess in front of him, sometimes with her friend Kylie. I notice under her bed, was extremely messy. There was a pink tutu. She always wanted to be a fashion designer. There was some candy wrappers, pop cans, t-shirts, some jeans, and a pair of shoes. I see she still, didn't clean up after herself.

Tears rolled down my face faster.

"It's a pity she had to die. She could have been very useful. But sadly she just had to die." I voice I knew all to well.

I looked up to see my husband.

><><><Quantum's P.O.V><><><

I've been thinking for a while. People have been looking for me, the closest they came, was when I say Flash blur down the street. Glad he didn't see me.

Back to what I was saying, I'm going to do something I'm very good at. Running. Hopefully one last time. I don't wanna go home, I don't want to face the few people I left behind, but I don't know I have to before it's too late. I'm going to find a way to control my powers better, learn how to fight, maybe answer some questions on the way. I'm just going to teleport far far away from here.

I stood up and took a breath. There's somewhere I want to go, it's calling me, I just don't know what it is.

I closed my eyes. I felt the energy flow through my veins. When I opened my eyes I was in a forest. Hmm it felt different from normal teleporting. Weird.

I started walking through the forest, wow it's large. Wow, great way to start. Lost in the woods, perfect.

><><><5 Minutes Later><><><

I've been hearing something, I bet it the wind. I stopped, ok there's something, maybe a small bunny. It's just going to drive me crazy, if I don't know. I look behind some trees, nothing. Ok, it's just the wind. Relax. Take a deep breath, and calm down.

Then my fears come true. A large bear comes out of nowhere and eats me whole.


What actually happened was, well, umm, how do I explain it. Well...

There was a knife against my throat. Couldn't see who was holding the knife.

Gah! What did I get my self into.

I drew some ideas down, pic upfront ⬆️ what ya think of them?
What do you think of my chapters? Any way I could make them more interesting? Let me know.
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