Chapter 14 { The Return }

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><><><Quantum's P.OV><><><Day 46><><><

"You know what, never mind, I'm not doing this!" I shout.
"Nope, you're going." Sky told me.
"I'm not doing this."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not, I can't."
"You can, and I'll make you do this. If you don't, you're going to regret it, everyday of your life."
"I don't really have a life."
Sky sighed. "I don't want to argue with you, but you're going. That's final." She gave me this stare, making me very uncomfortable.
I tried to force my mouth close. My mouth won.
"Fine." I said quickly. "But you know after this, I'm going to kill you."
"You can try." Sky said, with a hint of sarcasm. I'm getting to her. I smiled a bit. I would have had a bigger smile, if I wasn't worried.
"Oh, and I don't want to see you for at least a week, and you have to talk to them." She said then left. I watched her walk away.

I sighed again. Wow, if I had a Nickel for every time I sighed. I would be rich. Well, I could just sit here all day, but Sky would keep pestering me.

Ok, let's go!

Taking a breath.

I let my mind loose. I thought of home. I closed my eyes. Hopefully this works.


I teleported into my old room. There was boxes everywhere, all my stuff was gone. I saw dents in the walls, most likely, made by a fist. Wow, S.h.i.e.l.d won't even respect me when I'm dead. Shocker.

So what's first on my list. Hmmmm.
There's talking to Sam and Riley. Talk to my mother. Find my father. Also what happened to my Brother. Before I do that, I want to know what people thought, about me 'being dead.' I wonder if they even gave me a funeral? Oh, and of course, I have to mess with Fury a little. Or a bunch.
Maybe I should go to New York than. Hmmmm, sounds like a plan.


When I got to New York, first thing I did was get a ball cap, and hoodie. I want to surprise everyone. I don't want to just bump into them.

As I walked down the sidewalk, like most people, I would stare up at the tall buildings. People would keep bumping into me, or just walk into me, they were to busy looking at their phones. What has this world come to? Sigh.

I stole a hot dog, when the hotdog maker wasn't looking. I'm hungry ok. I haven't eaten since breakfast. I kept on walking, I walked past some news papers. Then I went back.

No way. Omg, haha. I grabbed one of the news papers, were did I get the money? Well, I might have a stealing problem, but I stole some money. I took a seat on a bench, that so happened to be there. I took a look at the cover. I couldn't help but laugh at it.

"S.H.I.E.L.D Cleans Up Mess In Remote Island.

[pic of Kyle being locked away] so that's what happened to Kyle. Haha, maybe I should visit him.

After being given few details. The heroes Captain America, Spider-man, Nova, and Speedy, saved the day from a crime bosses bomb..." "Young adult arrested at scene..."

Haha, this is priceless. I'm not even in it, I was the one who stopped the bomb. Yet the heroes get the credit. They aren't going to say anyone died. No, I apparently don't matter enough. Haha, oh I'm going to love playing with Fury a little.

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