Chapter 8 { Life }

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><><><Quantum's P.O.V><><><

I couldn't tell what was happening at first. I was to much in some..some kind of daze. Took me a minute to realize what was happening, I was still in a blurry daze though. Someone was shaking me furiously, why?

Then the world came rushing in, all at once. Hitting me like lightning.

I gasped for air, my eyes shoot open. I flung myself out of the chair, I was sleeping in. What happened? I'm still in this kind of daze. Then I remembered what had happened in my sleep, was that really true? Or just a dream?

I just noticed Caitlin and Cisco in front of me. They both look relieved.

"What happened?" I asked before anyone could say something weird.

"We don't really know, but when I checked on your vitals, your lifeline went flat. I don't know if your heart stopped, or a glitch. It's also possible your heart was to fast, for the it to read in." Caitlin answered unsurely.

"What lifeline?" Did they plant some chip in me, when I went to sleep?

"The one in the bracelet we gave you." Cisco said.

I looked at my wrists. Oh yah. Forget what I was just thinking a second ago. Then came awkward silence. WHY DO I HAVE THIS EFFECT ON PEOPLE!!!! WHY!!

><><><Mystery's P.O.V><><><

The child responded to our call for a meeting. I find strange, because she doesn't know the start of it all. Though it is interesting that she heard our call, when she hasn't completely activated the Existence part in her. She wouldn't unlock it for awhile it seems. She to held back on angry and other things. She is to much like Existence when she became human.

I wish we could she what's in store for her. Sadly none of us can see. All we can do is watch as she makes her choices. There isn't much we can do. She made sure of that along time ago.

I am curious though, to see what the people of earth-616 reaction is to her skipping over dimensions. Also I wonder why she was reincarnated on earth-616, she didn't die there. I wonder how she isn't having much of an reaction to the inhuman part of her. I think the inhuman side of her is dormant itself. To protect her from any bad results with what she is. 

Hmm lets see.

><><><Quantum's P.O.V><><><

Somehow I escaping the silence, We when to see the blood results. I still don't know why I even said yes to this.

"OK look at this." Caitlin said, showing me a screen. I didn't know what any of it might. Then Caitlin quickly got the message, when she looked at my face. That obvious.

"You see this." She pointed on the screen, what I think was my DNA. Probably not.

I nodded. You all must know by now, I'm failing science. I'm not even in school, and it still comes to stab me in the back. Stay in school kids.

"Well, it seems that's there's some kind of cosmetic liquid, running through your veins. I've never seem anything like it! It's incredible!" She exclaimed. That's a new side of Caitlin. Though I just met her yesterday.

"If we can, could we get a tissue sample. To further help use explain, well what ever you are. It would also be helpful for you to tell us who you are." Cisco said.

"Nope not happening!" I my voice threaded to yell.

Clearly this wasn't the respond they expected at all. GAH! ! WHY DO I DO THIS!! I HAVE NO SOCIAL SKILLS!!

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