Chapter 21 { Beggining of the End }

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Original picture was done in pencil, but this was cooler. It's a bit blurry. P.s I did this.

^.^.^.^.^Quantum's P.O.V^.^.^.^.^

Anger. That's all I feel. My eyes burned.

Who ever did this, came to my house, killed my mother! They. Will. Pay. I have a feeling, I know where to go.

^.^.^.^.^Mystery's P.O.V^.^.^.^.^

I watched as the girl got angered. Her abilities are advancing. It isn't enough though. I find it interesting, when her power increases, smoke rolls off. She's on track to getting to Existence's level.


Yet again, I have have another meeting with this buffoons. I wish it will be short.

^.^.^.^.^Quantum's P.O.V^.^.^.^.^

I was about to teleport, but Sky stopped me.

"Don't be rash about this. Think for once." She told me. Calm as ever.
"I do think, and I'm not being rash!" I yelled at her. I was shaking in anger. Who is she, to tell me, what to do.
"Calm. Down." She said rolling off the tongue.

I actually listened to her for once, and tried to slow my breathing. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Sky stood there, waiting for my to finish. I'm acting foolish, she's right, but I'm never saying that out loud.

"Then what should I do?!" I asked, taking deep breaths.

"Think, and make plan." She said. I scoffed.

"I got no time for that. You live forever, go a plan yourself. I'm going to go make him pay." I said enraged.

"You're being rash, people that are rash end up dead." She told me like a child.

"Well then, maybe it's a good thing, that I can come back from the grave." Wittiness is back.

"And you fail to see my point. Fine go be rash. Just don't sink me down with you." Sky said, shooing me away.

"Naaww, I think I want you to drown with me." Saying fake serious, failing to hold back laughs.

"Thanks." Sky gave me the 'just get on with it' face.

I grabbed Sky's forearm. Smoke steamed off me, my eyes steamed as well. My armour built its self up. I know Sky has at least 3 knifes on her, she's a badass immortal. I think she'll be fine. Time to go make him pay.


Back here again. I never thought I'd come back, or at least what's left of it. This island is now ash and rock. I like it better this way, instead of getting attacked by robots, and 1-time-teammates getting captured.

I never was to close to my mother, after she faked her death, 1 reason is, I though she was dead, but that doesn't mean I can't avenge my own mother. (Avengers Assemble!!! Haha no.) I laughed at the thought.

My father is going die for this. Unlike Kyle, I'm not going to let Sky convince me not to kill him. I'm not letting him get away this time.

Quantum: The New WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora