(13) I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!

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Alice’s POV

I opened my eyes to see the others looking at me worriedly. I quickly stood up, smiling.

“Come on, let’s get out of here so I can get rid of Melinoe for good!” I said, walking ahead. However, I stopped when I heard no footsteps following me. I turned around to see William, Leon and Kimi with confused looks on their faces.

“We can’t go though…this is the only place that is safe for us,” William said grimly.

“Aw Alice, that’s a shame,” Melinoe’s voice cackled in my head.

“You just keep that big mouth of yours shut,” I snarled angrily. I was again met by three pairs of stares.

“Melinoe darling! What are you doing all the way out there?” Persephone asked. Oh no…what should I do? Risk death by running out of the underworld or stay here and be found out?

“Just admiring the view Mum,” I said, smiling at her.

“And these two? I thought they were locked up with that girl?” she said, pointing her finger at Leon and Kimi.

“You know, they’re actually really good friends of mine, so I decided to keep them…as slaves,” I replied. Persephone nodded.

“Come here sweetie, I have something to show you,” she said.

“Oh, I can see it here,” I replied. Her eyes suddenly flashed black.

“Melinoe, come over here, don’t make me go out there,” she said, still smiling. Except…it just looked scary now.

“Urm…yeah…sure, coming,” I said, making my way over to the gate. As I stopped to halt just outside, I looked up at Persephone. “So…Mum…what is it?”

“You…are not Melinoe…are you?” she whispered. I gasped, stepping backwards, but her hand grabbed mine. “I’m not losing my daughter again. You get back here!”

Half of me was already inside the gate and that awful pain was back again. Someone’s hand grabbed my other hand and pulled me towards the outside. The pain was ridiculous, it was almost so painful that I felt no pain…if that made sense.

“No! She’s mine!” William screamed, his voice piercing through the pain. Another hand grabbed onto my hand as well.

“Just let go of her!” Leon’s voice screamed as well. Just when I thought the pain was too much, an even higher level of pain hit me. I could hear myself screaming like crazy. Then, almost as quickly as the pain came, it went. I slumped into someone’s arms, so tired that it was an effort to even think about open my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2011 ⏰

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