(1) I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!

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Sorry this took so long >.<, so many tests atm!! vote/comment ^^


"ALICE! Wake up already! You're gonna be late!!" Mum shouted up the stairs. I dragged myself out of my duvet and stretched. I checked my back to see if my wings had grown yet, but still no sign...that only means one thing, more human school...more knowledge about crappy human stuff, just what I want...not.

I reached into the wardrobe and grabbed a handful of clothes. Shorts, top and jacket...not bad for blind grabbing. I then picked up my unopened bag of notes from last year and headed downstairs for breakfast. Leon and Oscar came in through the back door as I walked into the kitchen.

"Still no wings? Honestly, I had mine when I was half your age!" Oscar teased, extending his huge bat wings so I could get a full view of them. I growled in annoyance and walked over to the animal blood storage cupboard. Because I haven't got my wings yet, I can't join vamp school which means I'm not allowed to hunt meaning I have to drink this disgusting animal blood everyday to keep me alive. It sucks!

"Now boys, mind your own business. Everyone is different in their own way," Dad said. He turned over the newspaper and gasped.

"What is it? Someone drank too much?" Leon asked jokingly. Dad didn't reply, he quickly stepped out into the garden and extended his wings. In a matter of seconds, he was gone.

I walked over to his seat and looked down at the newspaper. On it was a black and white picture of a relatively hot guy with the headline 'William of the Wolfcrest family turning human?'. Apparently this William guy was ditching vamp school for a human school...weirdo...I'd gladly take his place.

"LOL, that Wolfcrest guy turning human, what a joke! More like feeding on them, he's like the most powerful vamp in our school...soon to be most powerful in the world! In fact he used to come to our house a lot when he was younger as well, remember Alice?"Leon laughed, looking at me.

"No...I don't remember him. He looks familiar...but I don't remember him..." I replied, looking at his face again.

"Alice, you'll be late in precisely two minutes, get a move on!" Mum interrupted, looking angrily at Leon.

"Urghh I don't need to!! Why do I still have to learn what they learn if in a few years I'm gonna have to hunt them anyways?" I whined, pulling myself away from the newspaper.

"Because, maybe in a few years, you'll still be like this...wingless," Oscar laughed. I slapped him on the arm. Jeez, they didn't have to be so straightforward about it! I know I'm slow, but it's not exactly my fault, is it? Grrrr!!

I walked out, got into my car and drove out onto the road. The radio was crappy but I couldn't be bothered to switch it, but after a while, it was really bugging me. The road was basically empty anyway so I reached down to get my Ipod and plugged it into the tape player.

As I looked up a huge black thing swooped down and created a huge BANG on my car window! I screeched to a halt and blinked. Opening my door, I peered out onto the road dreading what I'd see. Amid the various honks from a few cars behind me, I stepped out to examine the damage...but...there was nothing there...Strange, I swear I saw something. A car overtook mine and shouted a string of swear words at me which I didn't quite catch. I climbed back into my car and drove to the side, confused. There was definitely something there...but I couldn't deny my eyes...there was nothing there...oh whatever, I'm gonna be late!! I changed gears and stepped on the accelerator pedal.


"Well...aren't you late!" Miss Tomlin said as I stepped into my History class.

"Sorry, I had a bit of trouble with my car," I said, looking around the classroom to try and find a seat. Everywhere was full as I quickly scanned the room.

"Well, that's no excuse, you should have just left earlier. There's a free table at the end, go sit there so we can start our lesson," Miss Tomlin said sternly. Despite her appearances, she's a very strict teacher and hates late people...like me...

I walked over to the spare table which I had missed as I was scanning for a seat. Melissa and AJ gave me apologetic looks as I passed them, can't blame them really though, no one likes sitting by themselves. Miss Tomlin turned back to the board and started going on about Stalin's Russia...blah blah blah...urghh I hate school...my eyes feel heavy...maybe...close them for a while...just a while...

"Hey, wake up already, the whole class is staring at you drooling in your sleep," a low voice whispered in my eaer. My eyes flew open to be met with a sea of stares and a very angry looking Tomlin...great...

"Urm...sorry..." I said quickly.

"Stay after the lesson Alice, I need a word with you,"Miss Tomlin said in a raised voice, it was obvious she was fuming.

I sighed and looked out of the window. I don't need another lecture from this human! I noticed the guy was staring at me...a lot...

"What you staring at?" I hissed. He had just totally embarrassed me in front of everyone, what else did he want?

"You've got smudged mascara on your face," he laughed. He clutched his stomach and laughed even harder when I reached for my mirror in my purse. There was indeed smudges of mascara on my face. I quickly rubbed it off and glared at the guy who was still laughing. The dislike had turned into hate and I pulled a face at him.

"ALICE! For Christ's sake, if you're not going to pay attention, just get out!" Miss Tomlin shouted across the room, startling me. I looked up in shock and embarrassment, trying to defend myself but Tomlin was having none of it. I pushed my chair back as hard as I could and stormed out of the room.

I walked over to a bench opposite the door and slumped down angrily on it. I hate this school! I wanna leave, stupid wings! Just grow already!!! I felt tears stinging at my eyes and roughly wiped at them, irritating my eyes more.

The door opened and THAT guy stepped out. He tried to sit down next to me, but I placed my bag there instead.

"Are you crying?" he asked, with a curious face.

"NO! I just have something in my eye! What's your problem, stalker, why are you following me?" I growled, hiding my face between my hands.

"Urr...when you left the class, that face you had was just too comical! I burst out laughing, so she sent me out as well," he grinned cheekily.

"Whatever, I don't care, just stay away from me and don't talk to me," I replied, looking away. There was a very long moment of silence and I turned around out of curiosity. He had placed himself in front a locker, one leg leaning against it, looking intently at me. I felt a hot rush on my cheeks and looked down. Why are all hot guys jerks? His dark blue hair complimented his emerald eyes perfectly and don't even get me started on his dress sense. Actually, now I look at him, he looked vaguely familiar. Without thinking, I walked towards him and analysed his face. Where have I seen that face before? He looks so familiar!

"Liking what you see?" he asked, smirking. I quickly snapped out of my daze and took a few steps back.

"Are you joking? I wouldn't like you even if you were the last male on earth!" I exclaimed, defending myself. I started walking away, but a pair of arms cornered me...faster than humanly possible...I looked up confused.

"Don't you remember me?" he asked desperately.

"Let go of me! How can I know you? We only just met!"I said, struggling to escape.

"No, Alice! Don't you remember? Has your memory really been wiped that much?" he asked. His face was even closer to mine. I stopped struggling, what did he mean by that?

"What are you on about? I don't understand!" I said, my head was hurting...a lot. A few images were flashing up in my mind...but none of it made sense.

"When we were younger, I promised you I'd be back and I'd take you with me. I'm here now, but why can't you remember? Did everything mean nothing to you?" he asked, hurt showing on his face.

"I'm sorry...I can't remember, my head hurts...can you let me go?" I asked, the visions were becoming more and more frequently. I couldn't even see that guy's face anymore. Everything turned black, but one name appeared in my thoughts...William...

I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!Where stories live. Discover now