(Special) I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!

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Christmas special for you! Hope you like it, it's set about 10 years before the series atm. Please comment/vote ^.^ and have a GREAT Christmas!


Christmas Eve, Alice - 7 years old

It was snowing outside. Several snowflakes melted on Alice's face as she stepped out into the snow. She could feel the cold air surrounding her despite the ridiculous amount of layers she was wearing.

"Brrrrr! It's SOOOOO cold!" Leon said, shivering in his oversized coat. Alice just giggled.

"Hey Leon! Taste this!" William shouted from the middle of the garden. In his hand was a huge snowball ball and he was aiming it at Leon. Soon the whole garden was filled with screams as a huge snowball fight broke out.

Lucretia stepped out from the kitchen and smiled at the happy children running about. But her happiness disappeared when she saw a snowball heading full speed at Alice. If that hit her, then her existence would be exposed! She flew as fast as possible and caught the snowball in her left hand, throwing it back to Leon and faking a smile.

"Mum! Why do you always spoil the fun!" Alice shouted. Her bottom lip was trembling and she was trying to suppress the urge to cry.

"Darling, I just don't want you getting hurt!" Lucretia said, apologetically.

"But Leon, William and Oscar get all the fun! I want to play!" Alice whined. It was so unfair! Every time things get fun, her mum always drags her away in case 'she gets hurt'.

"Alice, it's dangerous. You aren't as fast or as strong as them, so you could get seriously hurt by one of those snowballs, understand?" Lucretia said.

"Yeah, Alice. Why don't we build a snowman instead?" Leon asked, holding out his hand to Alice.

"NO! I want to have a snowball fight!" Alice screamed. Why couldn't she just have fun, even if it was dangerous?

"Alice, listen to your Mum. I really wouldn't want you to get hurt," William said, trying to comfort Alice.

"I hate you! I hate you all!" Alice shouted and ran inside, up the stairs into her room. She knew she was in the wrong, but why do they still treat her like a baby? If she gets hurt, all that's going to happen is that she'll heal up again, right? So why are they making such a big fuss out of it?

A small knock on the door distracted her from her thoughts.

"Alice...I'm sorry...can you please come out?" she heard her Mum's muffled voice through the door. Alice ignored her. She didn't know the exact reason, but right now, she just didn't want to talk to her.

There was a long pause and then silence. Alice watched the snow from her window...so small...so delicate...like her.

"Alice," William called from outside the door. "It's nearly midnight and I've got your present. Don't you wanna see it?"

Alice's heart jumped. No matter how angry she was, William always did something or said something to distract her. She opened the door to William holding out a huge present to her.

"What is it?" Alice exclaimed excitedly. She took hold of the present and thanked William.

"Open it," William replied. Alice carefully peeled off the cello tape. Inside was...more wrapping paper. Finally, after taking off roughly twenty more layers of wrapping paper, there was a small box. Alice looked at William confused. He just smiled back.

She opened it up slowly and gasped. Inside was a beautiful gem attached to a silver necklace.

"I flew to Madagascar to get it for you. It's called Celestite," William said, taking it out of the box. He helped Alice put it on.

"William! It's so pretty! Thank you so much!" Alice said happily, admiring it. She gave William a huge hug. "Now my present's gonna look soooo crap compared to yours!"

"I love whatever you give me, so don't worry about it," William smiled happily. A clock rang twelve times somewhere in the house. "Merry Christmas Alice!"

"Merry Christmas William! I'll just go get your present for you," Alice replied. She was about to walk over to the stairs when William stopped her and pointed up. Hanging above the door was a mistletoe.

"Where did that come from? I didn't put-" Alice began before being cut off by William's kiss. She gasped in surprise as he pulled away.

"That's my Christmas present!" William said, before running away. Alice blushed, her hand wrapped around her necklace. I love you William, she mouthed silently, before running after him.

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