(3) I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!

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Phew...chapter 3 finished ^_^...hope you're liking it so far. Please comment/vote!


Alice's POV

"Stop crying!" Leon said, viciously wiping the tear from my cheek. They had finally managed to drag me home, despite my efforts to escape. I could still see a faint scratch mark on Leon's face as I looked up.

"Why am I here? Why are you still keeping me here?"I asked, my voice breaking. I had just lost what I thought was my family and William's bleeding to death in school. Can it get any worse?

"You're staying here until Mum and Dad figure out what to do with you," Oscar replied.

"Is William...dead...?" I asked in a small voice.

"Are you still thinking of him?!" Leon yelled. He flew across the room and pinned me against the wall. "Because of him, our family is ruined. Why do you still care?"

"Because maybe I'm not PART of your family any more, am I?" I shouted back, tears flowing out. Leon just stared at me crying for a while, banged his fist into the wall and walked away. I felt my legs give way and collapsed onto the floor. William, please be ok! Please take me away from here! Don't leave me!

"Let's go!" Leon growled. Oscar followed him out of the room, closing the door gently and locking it. As if I could escape even if they didn't. I regained some composure and stood up. The girl in the mirror opposite me was in a dire state. My mascara was everywhere, with a messy tangle of brown curly hair framing my already messed up face. The clothes which were in a perfect state this morning was now completely torn with some skin showing in places as well.

In fact, thinking back, they had always gone hunting without me and I don't think I've ever cut myself or been near anything that could have cut me...except...William...I shook my head. He'll be alright...he is potentially the strongest vampire...right? But wait...if I'm not a vampire, why do I still need blood...and I can sense humans. If I'm human, surely...William would have sensed me when he first met me...but he didn't...until I cut myself...

The door opened, snapping me out of my thoughts. Oscar walked in and took my hand, beckoning me to follow him.

"Where are we going?" I asked, struggling in his iron grip.

"Mum and Dad need to talk," he said. From the tone of his voice...this probably wasn't a good thing. I stepped back, but his grip was too strong. There was no choice but to follow him...


William's POV

I finally came to. I stood up and noticed a blood covered body. It was the nurse...I must have attacked her in my vampire state...I looked back to the empty bed and the memories came back. I looked down to my chest where the hole was still healing. That sneaky bastard! If I wasn't so distracted, I would have beaten him hands down! I snarled in anger.

My thoughts returned to Alice. If I had a heart, it would have burst when she told me she remembered me. After they chased me out, no matter how hard I tried, they've always managed to prevent me from seeing her. But even now, I can still remember her blood, the sweet sweet blood that was flowing out of her knee 9 years ago. The tip of my fang pierced my bottom lip, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shook my head. Thinking of Alice's blood isn't going to save her from her fate! I need to take her away from that household...as fast as possible.

After tidying the mess and disposing of the body, I hurried out towards the forest, collapsing onto the nearest trunk of a tree. Looks like Alice will have to wait a bit longer, the state I am in now couldn't save her even if I had more power than all of them put together. I feebly extended my wings and headed towards the nearest scent I could find.


Leon's POV

Mum was still restraining me as Oscar came in with Alice. He passed her onto Dad and walked out again, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Why do you have to do this?! There must be another way!"I yelled to Dad. I struggled in Mum's hold, but her power was much greater than mine.

"There is no other way. I can't erase her memory anymore so she can't stay with us, releasing her back into the human realm would mean the end of us and William will use her against us if he has her!" Dad shouted back. "Tell me, what bright ideas do you have?"

I looked away from his gaze, silent. Everything he's saying is true, but this can't be the only option! I struggled to think...but nothing came up in my blank mind. Alice looked at me, her big blue eyes wide with fear. Wait a sec!

"We could always turn her into one of us!" I shouted. Surely it would work! Although she's not a normal human, she still has blood flowing through her and a beating heart!

"Are you crazy? She's already developing a vendetta against us. If we turn her, we don't even know the capacity of her strength! She could potentially wipe us out!" Dad yelled back.

"Please...whatever you're gonna do to me...please...don't do it Leon!" Alice said. She was trying to control her tears...with a great deal of difficulty. Damn it! I hate it when she cries!

"Just do it quickly Leon. Like you do when we hunt,"Dad said, grabbing Alice and pushing her in front of my gaze. "Didn't you tell me you liked the scent of her blood? Well, why not taste it, right now?"

Alice gasped and looked at me wide eyed. I lowered my gaze to avoid her hurtful stare.

"If you don't, I will!" Dad said, bending Alice's head to one side and exposing her neck. She whimpered.

"Don't you DARE lay one little finger one her!" I snarled. After a long pause I looked back at Alice. "I'll do it."

"Why are you doing this now? Why wait until now?" Alice asked.

"Because you've just become our enemy. If you didn't remember that William guy, everything would have been fine. When you reached the age, we would have turned you...but now...that's not a possibility anymore," Dad said, sighing deeply. "Leon, hurry up."

Mum's hold on me loosened and she pushed me forward. I headed towards Alice. Dad released her and walked over to Mum.

"Please...Leon..." she whispered, looking up at me.

"I'm sorry..." I replied. My chest was bursting. "By the way...I love you."

I quickly turned her head and bit down.

I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!Where stories live. Discover now