(4) I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!

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soz this is so late, just had a battle with the comp XD. Please comment/vote ^_^!


William's POV

I felt the last drop of blood slide down my throat. A sudden surge of power ran through me as I stood up. Looking back at the pile of bodies, I smirked. In my defence, they were asking for it, those arrogant twats.

I heard a rustle behind me. The young girl from before was hiding behind a tree, looking at me as if I was a monster of some kind. I guess she was right in thinking that. Sighing, I extended my wings and was about to fly away when the young girl made a sudden movement that caught my eye.

"Urm...thanks...for saving me and...not killing me," she murmured. After saying this, she quickly turned and ran. I smiled, thanking her in my head, but quickly refocused. Alice was still in danger, I had to get there before they do anything to her and this time I won't be stopped by sneaky moves.

After a few seconds, I landed in the front garden of the Valentine house. The living room was brightly lit so I walked towards it.

"Please...Leon..." I heard Alice whisper. I smashed through the window into the living room...but I was too late...Leon had already moved down to feed! But...Alice...? What's happening to her?


Alice's POV

All I can feel is pain. It was as if someone was ripping my heart out...very very slowly. I gasped in pain and clutched my chest. Whatever was holding me had been repelled off me by some unknown force, leaving me in a heap on the floor. The pain was spreading everywhere. On the brink of passing out, the pain suddenly disappeared. I relaxed my muscles which had tensed up from the pain and laid on the cold floor for a while to regain my strength. I could hear...everything...the water dripping from the kitchen tap, a fragment of glass creaking...everything...but so much louder! I sat up and tried to block out the noise by holding my hands over my ears, but it made no difference.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!" a voice bellowed. I opened my eyes to a darkened room. A guy with dark blue hair flew across the room to pin a guy with greyish black hair into the wall.

"Yeah, I'd like to know as well,"an older man across the room said. The older woman standing next to him also stared at the greyish black haired guy accusingly.

"I didn't do anything! Something pushed me away before I could bite her, never mind share my blood with her!" he exclaimed, looking at me with fright. "What happened to her? Her eyes...they're...pitch black!"

My head was nearly exploding from all the noise. I pushed my hands further into my head, but yet again it made no difference. A scent awakened me, lingering around me...suddenly the noises weren't loud anymore. I was hungry...and my food was outside.

"Stop her!" the guy with the dark blue hair shouted. The guy with the greyish black hair tried to block me, but I quickly hit him out of the way. The scent was less faint...it hit me...hard...I need it...now! A pair of wings extended from my back and I headed towards the scent as fast as I could.


William's POV

I tried to grab her, but she slipped out of my grasp.

"What the hell is she?" Leon asked. The wall behind him had an imprint of his figure in it. He stood up and brushed off the debris, then looked at his dad, confused. "She...had wings?"

The door opened and Oscar ran in, took one look at Leon and the wall, then at me.

"I thought you killed him," he snarled at Conrad, keeping his eyes on me. "I sensed an unknown smell...where's Alice? Have you dealt with her yet?"

"That scent was Alice...and she's gone," Conrad whispered. He seemed just as shocked as I was when Alice grew wings.

"What?! How? She's human!" Oscar shouted. He looked at Conrad angrily. "You let her escape?"

"Wait...hold up...you're saying that Alice is a vampire?!" Leon asked.

"She grew wings...but you didn't transfer any blood to her," Conrad said, confused. "So...what the hell is she?"

"So is she a vampire?" I asked. That's impossible, I smelt her blood before, it was definitely human! But then again, I can't deny her vampire scent just now either!

"I don't know what she is, but if she has the traits of a newborn, we need to stop her before she kills someone...or even worse, reveal our existence," Conrad replied and walked out of the room. He came back with a gun in his hand.

"What are you thinking?! You can't kill her!" Leon shouted. "Why does everything result in her death? She's one of us now, she can't expose us!"

"It's not just that! The power I sense in her is much more powerful than anything I've ever felt...she could be even stronger than you, William," Conrad said, staring at me. "Something that strong cannot be allowed to survive, especially if it travels down the wrong path. Are you with me, William?"

"Are you crazy?" I asked him. Before he dares point that gun at Alice, I will tear him into pieces first.

"Well then. You are our enemy," Conrad said, pointing the gun at me. I extended my wings as fast as I could and headed into the sky, narrowly missing a silver bullet. As soon as I was out of shooting range, I slowed down.

But something was following me. I hid myself behind the nearest tree. The shadow of the thing came closer to me and I pounced on it with all my strength.

"Wait! William! It's me, Leon!"he said, struggling in my grip. I warily loosened my grip, keeping my eyes on him just in case he was a lowlife like his father.

"What do you want," I snarled.

"Do you really think I want to join them? I can't...this is Alice we're talking about!" Leon said in a sad voice. "I want to find her before them and protect her from them."

"Why should I trust you?" I snarled again.

"Because I know where she is and I can take you there before the others. In your current situation, your only option is to trust me,"Leon said. I contemplated what he said for a minute. He was correct, right now, he's the only one who knows this forest well enough to lead me to her faster than Conrad.

"Ok, but if you try anything funny, I will kill you,"I replied. I'll be there soon Alice, wait for me.

I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!Where stories live. Discover now