(9) I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!

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I probs won't be uploading as much because school's starting, but I'll deffs try and post whenever I have time. Please comment/rate ^_^!!


William's POV

A grey high heel appeared behind the door as I stood on the landing. A girl with blonde hair walked in. I breathed out in relief as I realised it was my half-sister...dragging a body behind her?!

"Well, don't just stand there like an idiot, help me!" Kimi shouted. I quickly ran down the stairs to help her. The guy groaned and I realised he was Leon.

"Was anyone following you?" I asked worriedly.

"No, he had his scent covered up pretty well, in fact I didn't even realise that I stepped on him," Kimi replied, helping me carry him into the living room.

"Oh good god, they hurt him bad...he's gonna be weak for the next three weeks or so!" I exclaimed, examining the damage. "It's amazing how he made it out alive!"

"You know him?" Kimi asked.

"Yeah, he's Alice's...brother I guess," I said.

"Oh...that girl you've been in love with since you were four?" she asked. I nodded in reply. "Jeez, I leave you for a week and already you're one of the most wanted vampires, mind explaining what happened?"

"It's a very long story...let's just say the press tells a lot of lies," I replied. Wait a sec, Kimi was a hybrid vampire ...maybe she could answer a few of my questions! "Urm...Kimi? Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Yeah...so I answer your questions, but you can't answer one of mine?" she said, rolling her eyes. "Go on then."

"You know how you're a hybrid...do you ever get like split personalities or come across anyone who had split personalities?" I asked.

"Nope, I just have both abilities like I can swim and bite at the same time," Kimi replied. By the way, she's half mermaid half vampire, a merpyre...yeah I know, ridiculous right? I mean why would any sane vampire fall for a mermaid?! Perfect evidence for my Dad's insanity! "Why do you wanna know?"

"It's Alice...she's...I think she's a hybrid...but I'm not sure what," I explained. "It'll be easier for her to explain it to you."

"Wait...she's here?! How come I can't sense her?" Kimi exclaimed.

"She doesn't have a scent, until she's cut...or she turns into a vampire," I explained. Kimi looked shocked.

"I thought you said she was human!" Kimi said.

"Yeah I know...and I was wrong," I replied. "Oh! By the way I took your new underwear and your t-shirt because her clothes are literally slaughtered, hope that's okay...?"

"No! You better get me some new ones tomorrow!" she growled.

"Come on! It's embarrassing for a guy to get girls' underwear!!" I exclaimed. She wasn't being serious...right?

"I am totally serious!" Kimi said. "Anyways, I'm tired, I'm off to bed."

"Yeah, same. I'll probs head up soon too, I'll just get a blanket for Leon," I said, heading towards the store cupboard. With the blanket in one hand, I lifted Leon up with the other and put him down on my bed. He was in a pretty bad shape, I'm gonna have to question him tomorrow.

I headed downstairs again and got some random book off the shelf...a long sleepless night ahead of me...fun! Not! At least I'll have Alice with me. Smiling to myself, I walked into Alice's room and laid down beside her. Damn, she's so cute when she's sleeping. She must have sensed my presence, because she snuggled up closer to me. I put my arm around her, playing with her hair and started on my book.

I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!Where stories live. Discover now