(6) I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!

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Sorry for the late upload...been so ill lately and busy busy school stuff >.<! Hopefully I'll be able to write/upload more over the Xmas holidays, hope you're enjoying the story so far :P Please rate/comment ^___^!


William's POV

The book was an old one, passed down through many generations and consisted of information which could be useful in unlocking what Alice is. I opened it up to the section on Vampires, skim reading the basic stuff until I reached 'Vampire Races':

'Pure Blood - a vampire that is of pure vampire lineage. They are extremely powerful and can possess the ability to morph. Notable pure bloods families includes the Wolfcrests, Serpenti and Dracos.

Half Blood - a vampire that is not of pure vampire lineage and has been turned by either another half blood or a pure blood. These vampires rely on blood to survive but do not possess any abilities or power. A dangerous subspecies are the newborns (abandoned half bloods at the early stages of the change) who have an uncontrollable hunger for human blood.

Hybrid Vampires - a vampire that is a mixture of two or more different breeds. The most common type are mixed bloods but other mixtures like the Pyresapiens (half human), Lycanpyres (half werewolf) and wiccanpyres (half witch) also exist. Hybrids are still being investigated but evidence has shown that they have unique powers which could be potentially dangerous and stronger than the current pure blood families.


Maybe...Alice is a hybrid? She is powerful...but...the only one she could be is a Pyresapien...but that would mean that her senses would have activated way before now. Also...her blood, it definitely smelt human...but her vamp scent is definitely vampire...what the hell is she?!

"William! Something's happening to Alice!" I heard Leon shout. Closing the book, I lifted myself off the sofa and shook my head a little. The blood's effects still hadn't worn off yet...I took a deep breath and composed myself before running up the stairs.

As soon as I reached the door of the bedroom, I realised something was wrong. Alice was struggling with the bed sheets, tossing and turning all over the place. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Leon backed up against the wall in horror as Alice scratched her face open. Within seconds I was next to her, shaking her violently and prying her fingers away from her face.

"Come on Alice, wake up!" I shouted. She registered my voice and sat motionless for a while. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and looked at me in utter confusion. Then tears began to fall and she leapt up and hugged me.

"Please...don't leave me...I don't want to be trapped again...I don't...I can't!" Alice said, her voice breaking.

"Hey, it's ok, Leon and I are always here," I reassured. It really wasn't such a good idea for me to be this close to her in my state, the only thing my mind was thinking of was biting her neck and...the blood...

"William...stop!" Leon shouted. My teeth were slightly piercing Alice's neck when I snapped out of my trance. I quickly pulled her away from me and pushed her towards Leon. A small drop of Alice's blood dripped down my throat...damn it...my control was slowly slipping away and my face was already changing. I had to go or else I'd cause more harm than good! Extending my wings, I flew out of the window, towards the darkness.


Alice's POV

"Alice, are you okay?" Leon asked, distracting me from William's disappearing silhouette. He examined my neck and led me to the bathroom. After running a towel under the tap, he started dabbing it on my face.

"What...what are you doing?" I asked. A jolt of pain ran through me as the cold towel touched my cheek.

"Why do you always make me worry? What was so bad that you had to scratch your face open?" Leon asked painfully, still dabbing at my left cheek. I scratched my face open?

Using the edge of the bath as support, I looked at my reflection in the cabinet mirror. There were three red lines on each side of my face...did I really do this...?

"I...did this?" I asked, turning back to face Leon. He nodded slowly.

"I tried to stop you...but it was no use," he sighed. "You looked like you were having a pretty bad nightmare..."

I turned back to the mirror. The scratched weren't that deep...but they hurt like a bitch! And pretty bad nightmare doesn't even cut it...try being stuck inside your own head...

"Yeah...it was..." I replied. I doubt Leon would know much about this...where's William when you need him? "Do you know when William's coming back? I need to ask him about...something..."

Leon just looked at me weirdly and shrugged his shoulders.

"Come on Leon, this is important!" I said, annoyed. He obviously knew, so why's he not telling me.

"Why can't you just ask me?" he replied, his tone...was somehow...colder than before. "Why is it always William this...William that. It was always like this, you never notice me. Whenever he's around, it's like I don't even exist!"

"I do notice you! It's just...William's a better person to ask about this," I said, cringing at my words. I didn't mean for them to sound that way...but the damage was done. Leon had a murderous look on his face as he approached me.

"A...better...person," he hissed, inches away from my face. I was trapped...between him and the wall...great...

"I didn't mean it in that way Leon! Sorry..." I said. He was too close, I felt dizzy being this close to him.

"You know those three words I said to you before...in the living room...I really did mean them. And no, not as a sister, I have tried to tell myself over and over again that this is just family love...but it isn't...it really isn't," Leon said, his voice softening. His lips touched mine and a rush of emotion ran through me. I started kissing him back...I couldn't stop...

"No...Leon...this...it feels wrong," I said breathlessly, pulling myself away from him. "I've always seen you as a brother...never more than that...I know we aren't related by blood...but...I still think of you as my brother..."

"As long as it's not him, it's wrong, isn't it, regardless of whether we're related or not. I wish you never met him," Leon said, looking away. He sighed and walked out of the bathroom, ruffling his hair vigorously.

I looked into the mirror, hating myself. Is it wrong to like two guys...at the same time?

I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!Where stories live. Discover now