(12) I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!

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I haven't updated this for ages, so I decided to write the next chapter for it =P. I seriously have no idea where to go with this though...so any suggestions would be much appreciated. Please comment/vote ^-^!


Leon's POV

We were trapped, well and truly trapped. As soon as we were pushed inside this room (if you can call it a room), the door just disappeared...as if it never existed before. I banged on the wall a few times, but it was no use.

"Leon, just stop. We're trapped," Kimi said.

"There has to be a way out!" I shouted.

"If the underworld was so easy to escape, don't you think the planet would be flooded with them by now? Just stop Leon! You're giving me a headache!" Kimi shouted back. I glared at her but went back to sitting beside Alice's lifeless body. Well, she's still breathing, that's a good sign right?

"Do you think she'll ever wake up?" I asked quietly, stroking Alice's face.

"Not here...as Melinoe said, she's just a vessel in the underworld. Her life force is being used by Melinoe right now. It's like how Melinoe can only appear for a short while up there," Kimi explained.

"So that's why she told us to go to the underworld...what a sneak," I said in disgust.

"Anyways, I'm going to sleep, if anyone tried to pitchfork us or anything, just nudge me," she said, before closing her eyes. Watching her sleep made my eyes droop too. I closed my eyes, only for a second...a second...

Something started shaking me, my head banged against the wall and I hissed in pain.

"Wake up! Oh...sorry...are you alright?" a voice asked. Sounds like Alice...yeah right, I must be half asleep still.

"Leon, wake up already!" Kimi said. My eyes snapped open and I saw not one...but two faces looking at me.

"Alice! You're alive!" I exclaimed, engulfing her in a big hug. Alice faked choking sounds and I laughed for the first time in days.

"What happened? Last thing I remember was Melinoe..." she said, trailing off.

"She's taken your life force and she's taken William...as her fiancé..." I said.

"She what?! That little-" Alice began before Kimi interrupted her.

"How come you're awake?" she asked, looking confused. Wait...yeah...how is Alice awake?

"I'm...not supposed to be?" Alice asked.

"You're just a vessel in the underworld...you shouldn't be awake...unless...Melinoe is sleeping! Of course!" Kimi said, slapping her head.

"Now, we just have to figure a way out of here...any bright ideas Alice? The door disappeared," I said, pointing at the wall. She looked at the wall for a long time, before looking at Kimi.

"Kimi...you're half mermaid right? Do you have any special powers?" she asked. Kimi slapped her head again and kissed Alice on the cheek.

"You...are a genius!" she said, holding both hands out at the wall. Suddenly a spiral of water hit the wall, and after a while, a gap appeared.

"Love me?" Kimi said, sticking her tongue out playfully.

"Do you even have to ask?!" Alice replied. We hurried out of the door, trying to make as little sound as possible. It was quieter than before, but screams could still be heard from the walls. They were probably trapped like we were. I felt sorry for them, until I remembered that they probably did something bad in their life to be here.

I'm a human living in an all vampire household...wait...what?!Where stories live. Discover now