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"Chloe?" Aubrey's voice echoed through their two-bedroom apartment. "Are you up? I'm back from my run." Chloe woke up to Aubrey's voice and keys being clanked into their dish. "It's a shame, I thought I'd make pancakes but if you're not up...." Aubrey teased, knowing there was little in this world that Chloe enjoyed more than nice buttermilk pancakes. At the mention of her favorite breakfast, Chloe perked a bit. She was disappointed when Aubrey had returned. She had been replaying yesterday's Bella's rehearsal in her mind. She had been teaching Beca choreography, her arms on Beca's leading them into the correct dance moves. Though, in Chloe's recreation of the scene Chloe let her temptation win. She pressed her lips against Beca's neck and Beca turned around, seemingly being okay with it. She met Chloe's eyes and just as it looked like Beca was going to lean in to kiss Chloe, Aubrey's voice floated in. "Chlo, seriously," Aubrey's voice again interrupted Chloe's fantasy. "The pancakes are ready!" Aubrey busted through Chloe's door. With a sigh, Chloe got up and followed Aubrey to the kitchen in her baggie pajamas.

"Been thinking about her again?" Aubrey asked as Chloe played with her food, not needing to reference who 'her' was. Though Aubrey knew quite a bit about how Beca Mitchell, the small brunette freshman, had entranced her, she didn't know quite how Chloe had gotten Beca to audition for their a cappella group.

"No," Chloe lied, feeling her cheeks get warm. Ever since the shower Chloe's thoughts were often of Beca, and they were mostly anything but pure.

"That's a lie Chlo and you know it." Aubrey teased, forking a dainty, well-cut load of pancakes into her mouth. "Besides I don't see what you see in that-" Aubrey cut off her rude name for Beca, knowing how her ginger roommate felt about the small brunette. Aubrey sighed, putting her hand on Chloe's arm. "Just text her Chlo. I've seen how she looks at you during rehearsals." Chloe shoved a whopping scoop of pancakes into her mouth, before responding, as if she was thinking about what Aubrey had said.

"C'mon Bree, you've seen her with Jesse." Chloe groaned through a mouthful of pancakes.

"Ha! That treble?" Aubrey grinned, "he's probably just her beard." Chloe doubted what Aubrey spoke. The sexual tension between the two was undeniable. "Ask her out for coffee. Ten bucks, in a month or two, you guys will be in bed together and I'll be mumbling about why I encouraged this" Aubrey pushed Chloe's phone toward her. With a sigh, Chloe gave in.

Hey Becs, I know you're probably not up, but want to grab coffee later?

She sent the text and immediately regretted it. What would Beca think? Would Beca be disgusted? Would Jesse get angry? The next four and a half hours were agony. How much sleep did Beca need? But the moment the next text came in, at 1:12pm, Chloe was waiting at her phone.

Yes, coffee. Dying from lack of caffeine. Just woke up

Chloe had to laugh at Beca's text; the midget was not a morning person.

Quad in 20?

Chloe offered. For a long moment, Chloe's phone said that Beca was typing. The message she received was just so Beca.

You know what? Maybe I don't need coffee.


Chloe shot back at the lazy freshman then smiled.

Fine, I'll grab BOTH coffees and then come to your dorm.

Maybe it seemed desperate to most, but it was Chloe's natural response.

You be bomb

Chloe slipped out of pajamas and into real clothes quickly, before leaving the apartment for coffee, with a smile on her face.

Coffee? (Bechloe)Where stories live. Discover now