The L-Word

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A/N: UPDATE- I added Beca's perspective at the end. I realized after publishing I'd forgotten, so here it is. 






Chloe ran. She ran as fast as she could, trying to stop the shaking that she could feel in her hands.

AUBREY: Calm down; I was studying. Go on slowly. You're probably over reacting.

CHLOE: I walked her back from the date, to her room, you know. Then we kissed goodnight and it just came out. I used the fucking L-word.

Aubrey barely registered what Chloe was saying. In the four years Aubrey had known Chloe, she had never heard of Chloe saying 'love' in a serious and non-friendly way.

AUBREY: The L-word L-word?


CHLOE: Shit Beca will never talk to me again.

CHLOE: You know how much of a commitment phobe she is.

Chloe shook, shrinking into a bench halfway in between her apartment and Beca's dorm.

AUBREY: I seriously doubt she'll dump you Chlo

CHLOE: I wouldn't be so sure SHIT

Aubrey tried to stay calm, but she had never seen Chloe swear this much in reference to a love-interest.

AUBREY: Stop swearing.

AUBREY: Have you seen hoe the hobbit looks at you? She's in love too.

CHLOE: No she's not

CHLOE: She said 'thanks'

CHLOE: No I love you back

CHLOE: We had already said goodbye

CHLOE: And I used the goddamn L-word

Slowly, Chloe pulled herself up. She had to get home. Once Aubrey's arms were around her, she'd be okay. God she was going to miss that girl next year. She was like a sister.

AUBREY: Calm down; you just have to give her some time to process

AUBREY: You're going to be apart for a couple months. Is that affecting any of that 'I love you' business?

CHLOE: Honestly, no.

CHLOE: I've loved her since we first sung together. And since the moment we started dating, I've been falling in love with her so quickly. I couldn't keep it in any longer.

AUBREY: I've never heard that story. Tell me.

Chloe smiled, thinking about the shower.

CHLOE: Idk if she'd be okay with that


AUBREY: Besides I'm your best friend. Rules don't apply.

Chloe shrugged, figuring Aubrey wouldn't let up, besides, she kind of loved the story.

CHLOE: I was with Tom in the showers and I heard singing. I was honestly just going to peak, but then I saw it was her, the girl who peaked my interest at the activities fair and I couldn't help it. I burst into her shower and made her sing with me. She was nervous at first, but then she completely relaxed.

AUBREY: Oh my god! Were you both naked.

CHLOE: Well, yeah. She was showering and I was playing with my boy toy....

AUBREY: Jeeze Chlo, she really must like you.

CHLOE: Hey, it was "Titanium" I can't be blamed.

AUBREY: Oh not the lady jam! No wonder she's okay with you invading her space, you've seen her naked. Though, I suppose now you've probably seen her naked again.

AUBREY: Ugh, why did my mind go there?

CHLOE: Idk man

CHLOE: But no, we haven't gone there yet.

AUBREY: Really?

CHLOE: Why are you surprised? I'm not that kind of girl!

AUBREY: Ha! Chlo, I mean, I love you, but

CHLOE: What?

AUBREY: Since when Chloe?

Chloe opened the door to her apartment. "Since Beca." She smiled, leaning into her best friend's hug.

"She's really got her hooks in you." Aubrey smiled, walking over to the couch; their favorite lounge spot in the apartment.

"I've never felt this way Bree." Chloe sighed, praying, her and Beca's relationship didn't end here.


Thanks What kind of response was 'thanks'. God Mitchell you're so stupid! Beca slumped against the door. Her brain ordered her mouth to say 'I love you too' but evidently, 'thanks' came out. .. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / - --- --- Tears started to flow down Beca's face as she tapped on her door. She loved Chloe didn't she? She loved when Chloe wrapped her arms around her. She loved when Chloe nuzzled her face into her neck. She loved when the redhead pressed her lips against Beca's. She loved Chloe, yet when she went to tell Chloe, she failed. Half of Beca was grateful that she probably wouldn't see Chloe for another three and a half months, since she had morbidly embarrassed herself. On the other hand, that didn't give Beca any time to make it up to Chloe, to tell her that she really did love her. At least now, Beca couldn't wait to get to work. The camp should distract her, even though Chloe loved kids. Logically she knew she shouldn't text Chloe tonight, but the emotional side of Beca's heart ached to apologize and explain what happened, even though she didn't quite understand. To Beca's surprise, she fell asleep, hunched against her door, tapping the Morse code for 'I love you too'

A/N: I know I've had a lot of texts, and I'm trying to cut down on them, so we'll see.

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