Kisses and Gal Pals

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Family days had been way too short. Beca had only had a few hours with Chloe and they had yet to get in a proper kiss. Now, Chloe had to leave. The next family day wasn't for another month and as far as Beca knew, she wasn't coming back until August for the Showcase. Beca refused to open her eyes; she refused to acknowledge she had to say goodbye to her girlfriend this soon. They had just smoothed things over. The cabin door swung open, but Beca just rolled over. The girls would deal with it.

"Chloe!" Campbell chirped. It was a good thing that Beca was rolled over because a smile spread across her face.

"Hey Camy, is Beca up?" Chloe asked, walking.

"Is she ever up this early?" Campbell's response made Chloe laugh. Hey! Beca thought, and then realized she had no argument; she wasn't a morning person. Suddenly Beca felt Chloe press her lips against the back of Beca's neck, sending shivers down her spine.

"Bec?" Chloe whispered, brushing her hand on the small part of Beca's cheek that was exposed. Beca couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Slowly, Beca resigned to the fact that she had to wake up.

"Morning." Beca mumbled, though the first sight she saw being Chloe's face made waking up better. Chloe looked up, Campbell seemed pretty intent in a conversation with her brunette friend Isla, so Chloe leaned down kissing Beca, who melted from the lack of physical contact the past few days. Beca propped herself up, leaning into the kiss. As their tongues began to fight, Chloe heard the last thing she wanted to hear.

"Chloe?" Campbell's voice made Chloe stop cold and pull away from Beca. "I thought Mommy said you were past your dyke phase." Beca heard a low growl come from Chloe's throat, so this is why Chloe didn't tell her parents about Beca.

"Campbell Susan Harper," Beca had never heard Chloe's tone so angry and serious. "Do NOT ever use that term again, is that clear?" Campbell nodded shyly. Chloe turned back to Beca, sighing.

"I'll text you later?" Chloe flashed a small smile at Beca, "We're getting to go pretty soon." Beca nodded, having sat up. She took one hand and pulled a strand on Chloe's hair back into place, letting her hand brush Chloe's face.

"I love you." Beca whispered. Chloe leaned in, giving Beca a gentle kiss.

"I love you too," She whispered back, knowing a shitstorm awaited her on her flight back.


"Mom why don't you like it when two women date?" They had made it halfway through breakfast before Campbell brought up what she saw in the cabin that morning.

"It's a sin." Mrs. Harper said frankly, not looking at her daughter.

"But how can it be a sin if it's how two people feel?" Campbell pressed, trying to understand why her sister's feeling would be frowned upon.

"Leviticus 18:22" Mrs. Harper referenced the bible passage, without needing to look. Campbell picked up a nearby magazine, which was flipped open to an ad for the TV show Orphan Black, where two women were embraced in what seemed to be an intense kiss.

"Are these people dating?" Campbell asked. Mrs. Harper rolled her eyes.

"Of course not; they're just gal pals!" Mrs. Harper exclaimed, "Campbell, why all these questions? Is this camp turning you gay?" Chloe huffed; you don't get turned gay. Campbell glanced at Chloe.

"No reason." Campbell leaned over, motioning for Chloe to bring her ear closer. "I like Beca. You two are cute together. I won't tell" Campbell whispered. Chloe smiled. Maybe, just maybe, there was hope for her little sister after all.

A/N: This chapter is tiny (sorry!), but I'm leaving for college touring tomorrow and I felt like a needed to get at least a mini-chapter out so here it is. I'll try to update during the week, since I'm driving quite a bit, but no promises. x.

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