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"Bonfire! Bonfire!" Campbell exclaimed excitedly the moment they stood up from the table. Gerry had excused himself early from dinner, because Clara was tired and the boys went off to do god knows what, so it was just Chloe, Campbell, Mrs. Harper and Beca.

"Let's go back to Five, the others will be there." Beca smiled, grabbing s'mores stuff from an extra table. Campbell bounced off, pulling her mom along with her, leaving Chloe and Beca with a little bit of privacy. Beca fidgeted, being around Chloe, so close, Chloe not invading her personal space, it was all so confusing. Part of what stopped her from telling Chloe she loved her at first as fear. Beca was so freaking afraid of what was going to come next. She knew she was in love with this girl, but she hadn't been with a woman before. She didn't want to mess up or do something Chloe didn't like. She was scared of the new. Chloe not telling her parents sent a whole other thread of questions through her mind. Did Chloe actually like her? If she did why wouldn't she tell at least her mom? Beca groaned, not noticing it was audible.

"You okay Becs?" Chloe laughed a little, squeezing Beca's hand in her own.

"Yeah, no I'm fine." Beca blushed averting her eyes from the readhead's.

"What's on your mind?" Chloe pried, trying to tear down those famous Beca Mitchell walls. Beca shook her head.

"Nothing." She kissed Chloe softly and quickly, before running ahead to the group of girls and their parents with her s'mores stuff.

Beca quickly got the fire started, after all she was a military brat, and gave each person a spear and marshmallow.

"Don't burn them Little Nerds" Beca said, forgetting that there were parents there and they may not appreciate her nickname for her campers like they did, "We only have so many marshmallows." Chloe gave her a look.

"Little Nerds? Like Awesome Nerds in training?" Chloe grinned, knowing what Beca called her a cappella friends.

' "Whatever" Beca mumbled, sticking her own marshmallow into the fire. Chloe giggled, forgetting her family was there.

"Becs you're doing it wrong" Chloe nudged Beca, trying to grab Beca's hand. "You're shoving it into the flames, it's gonna catch on fire." Chloe giggled letting her own marshmallow sit in the blue part of the flame. Aubrey took a chemistry class and told Chloe that the blue was the hottest part.

"Will not!" Beca insisted as her marshmallow was engulfed in the fire. Chloe couldn't help but giggle as Beca whipped her marshmallow out and blew frantically. "Shut up." Beca grumbled, pulling off the burned part of her marshmallow and throwing the excess into the fire.

"Told you so," Chloe smirked; Beca rolled her eyes. Suddenly, an evil grin crossed Beca's face and she reached out, rubbing her sticking fingers on Chloe's cheek. "Hey!" Chloe exclaimed, squirting her water bottle at Beca.

"That's war Beale!" Beca laughed, but before she could go and lick the marshmallow off Chloe's face, Mrs. Harper interjected.

"Now girls, let's be mature." Chloe flung her arm around Beca's shoulders, but both the girls quieted.

"Beca will you sing?" Isla asked.

"Chloe too!" Campbell piped in. Beca and Chloe exchanged glances, and sighed in acceptance.

"I got my ticket for the long way round." Beca started, not looking away from Chloe's eyes. Chloe grinned and joined in.

"Two bottles whiskey for the way." The girls continued. The five ten year olds seemed pleased, though Chloe could tell her mom wasn't thrilled with how much touching she and Beca were doing. "You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." Applause and cheers of the girls greeted the girls when they finished the song. Chloe turned to Beca; they were so close to each other. Some time in the song, their hands had layered together, just a few more inches and they could be kissing.

"Very nice song." Mrs. Harper's voice penetrated the trance both Chloe and Beca were trapped in.

"You still have to teach me that Becs." Chloe smiled. "I still have the yellow cup." Beca wasn't positive, but she was pretty sure that there was some flirtation in Chloe's voice.

"Name the time and place Beale." Beca smiled, ignoring the odd look Mrs. Harper was giving her.

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