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Chloe was flipping out. There were clothes everywhere around her room; the only place untainted by the spread was Chloe's hanging hammock-like chair, where Beca lounged. "Chlo, it's just dinner." She flipped through a magazine, but it was bubblegum, US Weekly of all things.

"Dinner with your parents." Chloe specified, throwing down another dress she had evidently decided was not suitable. Beca rolled her eyes.

"I will be in shorts. My mom will be in shorts. My dad will probably be in jeans and who cares what Sheila wears." Beca reminded Chloe.

"But Becs," Chloe whined a little; she wanted this to be perfect and for Beca's parents to love her. Beca picked up a cute pair of black shorts and a nice blue t-shirt and threw them at Chloe.

"There, you'll be fine. We have to leave soon." Beca giggled a little bit. She understood where Chloe was nervous, but she also knew it was no big deal. Her mom would like her as long as Beca liked her. Chloe groaned, but slipped off the top she had on. Beca would be lying if she said she didn't peak.

"You're dressed nicer than me." Chloe grumbled, which was not true. Beca had on khaki shorts and a foam green tank top on, which Beca thought was pretty casual, but Chloe thought was out of character and therefore nicer. Beca just rolled her eyes and tried not to watch as Chloe took off the long skirt she was trying on. Once changed Chloe turned abruptly to Beca, catching her wandering eyes. "Like what you see?" Chloe teased coming over to Beca, who blushed. "It's nothing you haven't seen before." Chloe smiled pushing Beca over on the chair in order to sit with her.

"I will have you know my eyes stayed on yours or the ceiling the entire time." Beca said standing up, if there was one thing her mother didn't tolerate it was tardiness. "C'mon," She reached her hand out, offering it to Chloe, who promptly took it. As they strolled out of the apartment and headed towards her mom's hotel, butterflies started to build in Beca's stomach. She knew her parents would be pleasant, but she wasn't so sure about Sheila, not that she cared, but Chloe did. She couldn't count on her parents not telling embarrassing stories or harassing Chloe either. As predicted her mom wore jean shorts and an old air force t-shirt, a small box in her hands.

"Beca Bug!" Her mom chirped, throwing her arms around her daughter, as she always did. Beca prayed Chloe wouldn't ask about the pet name.

"This is Chloe mom..." Beca motioned, "my girlfriend," the word still felt weird to hear. Chloe had spent almost a year pinning after this girl, and now she was calling Chloe her girlfriend. Chloe reached out her hand, but Ms. Mitchell took her into a hug. Beca had to suppress a laugh; usually it was Chloe who was the surprise hugger not the surprise receiver.

"What?" Evidently, her mom had heard Beca's laugh. Beca shook her head, dismissively, but shot a side-glance at Chloe, who understood the message loud and clear, and proceeded to hold back a giggle. "Yeah I know, Bec doesn't like hugs and she comes from a hugger." Ms. Mitchell picked up on the unspoken communication.

"Well, yes, but no." Beca told her mom as they started walking. "Chloe likes to..." Beca searched for the right words. She figured 'invade personal space' wouldn't be the best word to use despite how fitting it was. "Hug and hold hands." Beca grimaced, but Chloe knew Beca loved it. She had never put up with anything like what Chloe did with the other girls. Ms. Mitchell laughed.

"Good, get you out of your comfort zone," she nudged her daughter. There was this idea that military parents were uptight; sometimes Beca wished she had one of those. Before Beca knew it, they were at her dad's house. Of course Sheila was dressed up in a long flowing yellow dress. Chloe saw Ms. Mitchell's jaw tighten the same way Beca's had.

"Welcome!" Sheila said in an annoyingly sincere voice.

"Hey Becs!" Her dad greeted, coming down the stairs in his work attire. "Kristen," her dad greeted politely, with a nod in return. "And you must be Chloe," Dr. Mitchell eyed Chloe. He recognized her; he knew he did. "Did you take one of my classes...?" He asked absentmindedly, forgetting they were standing in the atrium.

"Oh Henry, let the girl sit!" Sheila had never actually been out of the Bible belt, so all she knew was southern hospitality and the conservative values her parents taught her.

"Right. Right." Dr. Mitchell motioned for them to go upstairs.

"Would anyone like some water?" Sheila asked, and was greeted with four 'yes's.

"But, yes Dr. Mitchell, I had you for Comparative Lit last year during the fall semester." Chloe smiled, letting her hand search for Beca's next to her side.

"That's right. Good student if I remember correctly." Beca almost spit out the water she had been drinking, which caused Chloe to use her elbow to jab Beca's side. Ms. Mitchell shot them a questioning glance, but since Henry didn't seem to notice, she didn't bring it up. Chloe was failing Russian Lit, probably on purpose, but it looked as if the senior was working on becoming a super senior. Beca was pretty sure Chloe wasn't ready to give up what she knew, Barden and the Bella's.

"You picked a good one Bug, you want someone who's smart like you." Chloe gave Beca a look, which told her that she was about to ask the question that Beca was dreading.

"Why do you call her Bug?" Chloe asked Beca's parents timidly. Kristen laughed.

"Well," Beca groaned as her mom started into the story about Beca eating bugs when she was little. Chloe laughed at the story, causing Beca to blush.

"I WAS THREE!" Beca tried to justify her actions. By her side, she felt Chloe squeeze her hand, which was Chloe's way of saying cute. If the dinner kept going at this pace, Beca wasn't sure what was going to happen, because she half-hated and half-loved what was going on.

A/N: I had all these ideas for this chapter then I went to write it and they kinda went splat out of my head, so sorry if it's not quite up to par.

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