Sarah Fucks Shit Up

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That. Was. Amazing! The Bella's had just taken first place in the ICCA Regional Competition (beating out the Trebles for the first time in way too long). Arms were being thrown around in effort for each girl to find another to hug. In the middle of all the limbs, Beca found Chloe. The taller girl threw her arms around her girlfriend, pulling her in tightly. "You did it! We did it!" Chloe exclaimed. The curtains were closing and the lights were dimming, but the celebrating Bella's seemed to have little interest in moving. Beca pulled Chloe into a heated, short but heated, kiss.

"You helped us do it Captain." Beca grinned, as she and her girlfriend followed the rest of the group off stage. Chloe didn't see her when they were preforming. Chloe didn't see her when they approached the exit. Chloe didn't see her until she heard her.

"Chloe?" It was a voice she never thought she'd hear again. Lest than a meter away was a short brunette: Sarah. Chloe froze. "What are you doing here?" Sarah faltered, "Stupid question, I saw you preform. I didn't know you were into all this." Sarah winked, a gesture that was certainly not missed by Beca who was conversing with the rest of the Bella's a little ways away. "You were really great Chloe!" Sarah added, not letting Chloe get a word in.

"Uh yeah," Chloe managed when she could finally conjure up words. "Thanks," Chloe focused her eyes on Sarah's face, she didn't want to give Sarah the wrong impression by looking anywhere she wasn't suppose to.

"I go to UGA," Sarah planted her hand on Chloe's shoulder, much to close to her neck in Beca's opinion. "It's only about an hour from Barden," Sarah bit her lip, her eyes wandering up and down Chloe's body. A deep growl erupted from Beca. She would never consider herself the jealous type but this woman was undressing Beca's girlfriend with her eyes, which was NOT okay. Chloe shivered; why was this woman doing this to her?

"No." Chloe said frankly, hoping Sarah wasn't trying to go where Chloe thought she was about to.

"No? I'm pretty sure about the distance." The girl smiled and then had the audacity to grab Chloe's hand. Beca lurked behind the girl, who was only about an inch taller than Beca, and cleared her throat, unnecessarily, loudly.

"Beca!" Chloe's tone was half-relieved, half-panicked. Beca's facial expressions were easy to read. She was pissed.

"Oh! You preformed with Chloe! Are you guys good friends?" Sarah was either oblivious or uncaring to Beca's obvious anger.

"Who are you?" Beca ignored Sarah's question. Chloe felt physical fear; Beca's voice could have killed nine men and still be dangerous.

"Oh I'm Sarah, Chloe and I used to go out." Beca only growled, glaring at both Chloe and Sarah.

"Sarah," Chloe's tone wobbled, "This is my uh... my girlfriend Beca." Based on the venom in Beca's eyes Chloe was a little nervous that she wouldn't have a girlfriend after this little exchange.

"Oh! So I guess you get it." Beca's eye started to twitch.

"Get what?" Beca's voice had started to take on a kind of southern drawl that Chloe wasn't used to.

"Why she's intoxicating to be around. I mean, if you're dating, you get the Chloe treatment all the time." Sarah winked, obviously referencing sex. Beca's jaw flexed. Chloe wasn't sure what to do, but she knew she had to do something, quickly. They hadn't had sex, not that it was a big deal. They had only been dating for a month and a half or so and only had their real first date three weeks prior, but sex was a sensitive topic. Beca was really insecure about it and even though she wouldn't admit that to Chloe, Chloe knew. It would happen when they were both ready, for now Chloe just spent alone time with her lady-jam playlist and her imagination. Chloe was fine with this setup, really. Beca however, hated it. She hated that she was nervous and always stopped the hot make out sessions before one of them lost any clothing. Now there was this bitch who was more or less taking Beca's insecurities and shoving them in her face.

"Let's go." Beca's voice was deep with conflict and anger, and coated with a deep accent. Chloe obliged, without a goodbye to Sarah, it would just piss Beca off. Chloe was expecting a fit of rage and yelling the moment they exited the center, but Beca just headed to the bus, where the others waited. Beca sat alone, but Chloe was hyper aware of every movement Beca made and every murmur that came out of her mouth. Beca's fists were clenched, mirroring her jaw and presumably her teeth. Under her breath she ranted. Words and phrases like "dirty whore," "asshat," and "bitch doesn't know anything," were used for Sarah, while Chloe got phrases like "seriously in the dog house," and "when did she get such low standards?" What worried Chloe were the tidbits of rants that she caught: "so what if we haven't had sex. Sex isn't everything. I love her; she loves me... I think. Why am I such a coward? This is fucking messed up." Chloe's heart broke with each negative murmur that was pointed at Beca. Chloe just wanted to hug Beca, but when they arrived at home, Beca hurried to her room with not a word to anyone, but Fat Amy heard the whole story. Beca talked in her sleep.

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