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A/N: So I'm just warning you all up front when my friends and I get together we play life, so the party scene is not something I'm really familiar with, even if it's just a couple normal friends getting together. Sorry if this is weird as. 

The past two days had been some of the longest of Chloe's life. Just two days ago it had been Sunday and Chloe woke up to Beca. They had made some breakfast and had coffee, before Beca scurried out. Beca didn't want to face Aubrey, understandably considering she wasn't out to anyone. Of course, Aubrey knew, but Beca didn't know that, and if she had, Chloe was pretty sure she still wouldn't have wanted to see the blonde. Monday Chloe had her heaviest class load with two lecture classes and a lab, leaving her only little time taken over by studying. Tuesday, they both had two classes, but Beca had to work a double shift at the radio station, and now on Wednesday, Chloe sat through two long lectures and a study group just to come home to Aubrey, who reminded her that they were having a Bella's get together in an hour. The first time Chloe would see Beca in two long days, and there were going to hoards of their closest friends there. Chloe was lost for how she was going to act. She couldn't not touch Beca, not because she didn't have self-control, but because it would be a sure fire give away that something was up. But too touchy-feely, and Chloe would give it away. Chloe groaned, audibly by accident, which of course caught Aubrey's attention.

"You okay there Chlo?" She asked, putting the finishing touches on her salad and pulling the burgers out of the oven. Technically it was a party, but Aubrey knew that if a few of her fellow Bella's didn't eat before getting their drink on they got a more out of control than they did when they were pre-fed. Normally, Aubrey would grill up burgers, like her dad had taught her, but her and Chloe's apartment wouldn't allow grills on the small porch they had.

"Yeah, it's just the first time we see each other you know?" Chloe sighed looking over at her best friend. She was nervous, she couldn't deny that, but she was also so excited because when Beca was around there was a certain calmness she brought to Chloe. A knock at the door jerked Chloe to attention.

"It'll be fine." Aubrey smiled, squeezing Chloe's shoulder as she went to open the door. In streamed almost all of the Bella's but Chloe's eyes searched for the one of the few that wasn't there. Before Chloe could embarrass herself, Aubrey jumped in and saved the ginger. "Where are Beca and Fat Amy?" She scanned the group thinking she may have missed the alt-girl but knowing she wouldn't have missed Amy.

"Beca was being a pain, as per usual, so Amy went to go get her." Chloe had to hold back a smile. Of course Beca was being a pain. She had texted Chloe nine times throughout the day complaining about this thing. When Chloe heard the stomach growl, she didn't need to look up to know it was Lilly. The quiet girl became crazy when drunk and downright violent when drunk and hungry; she needed food.

"Here," Aubrey stepped into the kitchen, "we can start now." Before anyone but Lilly could get very far in their burgers and salads, there was another knock. Chloe answered the door to find Fat Amy physically carrying a grumbling Beca.

"Hey, Becs" Chloe giggled. Beca was just being stubborn for sport now, Chloe could tell. Halfway through her texts, Beca's tone had changed. Beca just grumbled something indeterminately. "C'mon, I'll take her." Chloe offered her arms to Fat Amy.

"You sure you can handle this Red?" Amy was obviously a little unsure of Chloe's size, but Chloe knew she could handle it; that was if she didn't go weak with Beca so close. Chloe nodded, taking in Beca's smell as Fat Amy transferred her to Chloe's arms.

"Yeah Chloe?" Beca teased, wiggling in Chloe's arms. Chloe just rolled her eyes at the younger girl and plopped her down in the chair next to her own.

"Hey, no booze?" Amy asked, not soon after she started forcing a burger down her throat. Aubrey laughed.

"Hold on, I think we have some beer..." she paused eying Chloe, "and maybe some whiskey." Chloe smiled a little, a smile none of the girls, not even Beca understood. Chloe hadn't needed the bottle of Jack Daniels that she bought, because everything had been perfect; Beca had liked her back.

Aubrey grabbed everyone a beer from the packs her dad had sent her back with. When she was in high school everyone thought Aubrey had the cool dad because he gave them beer, but they didn't know the half of him. Chloe gingerly took the beer, knowing why the dick head that was Aubrey's father gave those beers. Once the alcohol was distributed, dinner passed by quickly, each of them having more than one beer.

"Quick game of 'never have I ever' then dance?" Stacie suggested and was greeted with approval from all the Bella's.

"You start Stace" Ashley suggested, taking another gulp of beer.

"Hmmm" Stacie thought, "Nope, done that." Hesitating again, it was obvious that she was running through typical things people say. "Never have I ever had sex in an elevator." Beca laughed, who would have done that, but to her surprise, Lilly sipped her drink and lowered a finger.

"Your turn Chlo" Aubrey motioned for Chloe to start. "Never have I ever had a three-way." Chloe easily came up with something to say. Stacie, Amy, Jessica, and Ashley all lowered fingers and took drinks.

"Never have I ever slept with another woman." Aubrey said easily, then bit it back, regretting what she had said. Beca would no doubt be self-conscious about this certain topic. Chloe shot a glare at Aubrey but took a sip and lowered a finger with Stacie and Cynthia Rose.

"Beca you're turn." Amy announced, but Beca was wasted.

"I'mtoodrunkforthis" Beca slurred, prompting laughs from everyone but Chloe.

"She's right it's dancing time!" Stacie laughed standing up and wiggling her body. Aubrey, who had gotten more than a little drunk, laughed in agreement. She stood up and turned on the loud speakers. In response, the girls spilled onto the open space and started moving to the music. Only a few minutes in Beca was at the point where she could barely stand. What a lightweight. Chloe lead her to her bedroom and started to undress her. Beca giggled.

"Chloe." She tried to pull Chloe, but Chloe had already gone over to her dresser to get Beca pajamas to sleep in. "No." Beca giggled squirming away from Chloe. Chloe sighed impatiently.

"Beca, if you're not going to let me put these on, you're going to have to sleep in nothing." Chloe huffed, dodging Beca's attempt to grab the redhead into a kiss. Beca just giggled, continuing to try and make out with Chloe. As Chloe guided Beca into bed, Beca was successful. She wrapped arms around Chloe and pressed her lips against Chloe's neck. "Beca" Chloe half whined. She was using all the willpower she had, but god was Beca tempting.

"Whatsexy?" Beca slurred, kissing Chloe's collarbone sloppily. Chloe pushed her off, "Becs, off now. You're drunk." A hurt look filled Beca's eyes.

"Don't you want me Chlo?" Beca's voice cracked, her eyes glazing over with tears.

"Beca, I do." Chloe rubbed Beca's back, "but not like this." Chloe whispered, as she laid Beca's head onto the pillow. Before Beca could cry more or get angry or try and seduce Chloe more, her eyelids started to flutter with fatigue. "Good night Beca" Chloe whispered after she had stripped down herself and joined Beca in bed. They fell asleep to the sounds of their friends party dying down.

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