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It took a couple minutes before Chloe pulled away. Her tongue colliding and fighting with Beca's sent shivers down her spine. The final release of sexual tension captivated the both of them. Chloe's hand stayed by Beca's side, keeping her up, but Beca's started to explore. She was timid, but she allowed them to wander up and down Chloe's back, switching directions before they ever hit Chloe's ass. When Chloe pulled away, Beca's heart sank. She had been wrong. She just kissed you because she pities you. Her inner thoughts taunted.

"Beca" Chloe said unsure what emotion filtered through her voice, as she climbed off of Beca and lay down beside her.

"I'm sorry Chloe, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to assume you..." Beca blushed pushing words out faster than she could think. "I shouldn't have and we can tot-" Chloe cut her off by pressing her lips against Beca's again.

"Bec, shhh" Chloe smiled gently, "I don't know about you, but I like what just happened," she stroked Beca's face with the back of her palm softly, "but we have to talk about it." The realization that Chloe didn't hate her made her smile and knowing Chloe wasn't freaked out by this idea Beca had been struggling with comforted her.

"So I guess Jesse may have been right about the whole 'thing for you' thing." Beca looked at her fidgeting fingers. Chloe laughed her musical laugh that Beca loved.

"I guess so." Chloe paused, biting her lip. Why does she have to do that? Beca thought, it's so cute, "Can I ask you something?" Beca nodded at the gingers request, her eyes still trained on Chloe's baby blues. "When did you realize?" Chloe almost whispered the question. She was dying to know, but she was scared her questioning would scare the young brunette away.

"Nationals," Beca murmured, closing her eyes, remembering. She was so pumped on adrenaline, she knew she had to focus it somewhere, her eyes caught Jesse first, so that's where she ended up, but the moment Beca's lips touched Jesse's she only thought of Chloe.

"Really?" Chloe laughed, "You kissed Jesse that night!" She hoped the mention of Beca's ex didn't kill anything. Beca let her hand slip into Chloe's. They were still on the floor, which made Beca want to giggle a little, but she felt so close to Chloe, she didn't dare suggest movement.

"And less than a second in I realized that it wasn't him I wanted to be macking on" Beca threw in a playful term, making Chloe laugh. "What about you?" Beca looked down while asking the question. Chloe took her hand from Beca's tracing her jawline and forcing her face up gently. Chloe met the shorter girl's eyes then put her hand gently back into Beca's.

"When you showed up to auditions and did the song with the cup." Chloe smiled. She had been slightly smitten when they took their little shower together, but that day really sealed it. Chloe still had the yellow cup and it was her absolute favorite to this day. They were silent, just looking at each other for a few minutes, when Beca's face dropped again. Chloe tried to force a smile, but it made her sad that every time Beca wanted to ask something she couldn't look Chloe in the eye. "What's up Becs?" Chloe asked softly, angling her face down, trying to meet Beca's gaze.

"I'm scared." Beca whispered though it was barely audible. Chloe just about melted. She had experimented and been with guys and girls, but here was Beca, young Beca. She hadn't done the college thing like Chloe had. Chloe took her hand from Beca's and stroked the shorter girl's hair.

"Why?" Chloe asked knowing it was a dumb question, but maybe if she knew the reasons, she could help comfort Beca.

"Because I don't understand." Tears were starting to well in Beca's eyes, "I've never done this before and my family oh god what are they going to say and our friends. Chloe we live in Georgia." The tears started to fall, breaking Chloe's heart. "I don't get what's wrong with me and why I feel the way I feel and..." Beca quieted, chocking down a sob, afraid to say the last bit, but with Chloe's eyes staring back at her Beca knew she had to finish. "I don't want to do anything wrong." Beca looked ashamed, picking at her chipping nail polish.

"Beca," Chloe's voice cracked on her name. "Oh my Beca" Chloe realized they hadn't really made that official, but it came out and Beca didn't seem to mind. Chloe pulled Beca closer. "Becs, how could you do something wrong?" Chloe asked, kissing Beca on the forehead afterward. Beca tried to stop sobbing she really did, after all she was a badass DJ, but she couldn't. She wanted Chloe to be happy. Beca wasn't sure she could make Chloe happy in every way. She wasn't that attractive, she wasn't experienced at all with women, she had no idea where her sexuality was at and she was afraid of other people knowing.

"I'm not attractive, or sure, or experienced, or-" Beca sobbed, but Chloe cut her off.

"Beca Mitchell, you shut your mouth right now." She castigated, more seriously than she had intended. Beca looked up, meeting Chloe's eyes. Chloe wiped away the tears on Beca's face softly. "You are amazingly hot and sexy," Chloe let her eyes wander up and down Beca's clothed body, causing Beca to giggle. "For the rest, none of it matters." Chloe brought her eyes back up to Beca's. Beca didn't quite seem convinced, but she didn't argue with Chloe. Slowly, Beca shifted around so they were spooning. Chloe grinned and laid her arms around Beca. She moved her head closer to Beca's, gently starting to hum in Beca's ear. Beca smiled; Chloe had chosen Bruno Mars' "Just the Way You Are" a song Beca had used in a mash up once Aubrey finally decided to loosen the reins. Beca didn't realize she was tired until she was fast asleep on Chloe's floor, in Chloe's arms.

A/N: So Beca may have been a little emotional for the canon Beca we know, but I don't know sexuality can be complicated, so. Hopefully it will get better soon. 

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