Let's Live Happily Ever After

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Beca and Chloe. Chloe and Beca. The two names fit together just as perfect as the two girls did. They were practically inseparable and each Bella had a different "Bloe" tolerance. They were so cutesy it was nauseating. Beca pretended that she couldn't stand Chloe's grand romantic gestures and constant touches, but you'd have to be an idiot to not notice Beca's smiles and covert romantic side. They had a lot of firsts in the new Bella house. Their first night had an especially big impact on Beca. Everyone had been away on spring break, but the two girls had decided to stay. There were candles, and roses, and cupcakes, and everything that made them them. It had been a good thing no one else was home. After Chloe's second senior year, she went on to get her masters from Barden in education. She technically moved out, but she spent most days (and nights) at the Bella home. Beca had inherited Chloe's sigle and the old sock on the door handle severed them well. The girls even figured out how to be quiet when needed. (Well, Beca tried, she really did, but sometimes she failed.) It was the perfect setup that was until Beca's senior year. One of their new Bella's wasn't very aware to say the least. The lanky freshman didn't seem to realize that a sock on the door or "yes!" or even "Chloe!" were invitations to enter. Goddamn Emily Junk.

            The Bella's stayed close, even after graduation and they went on to win the worlds. Chloe and Beca went on to buy an apartment, then a small blue house in the outskirts of New York City. Beca worked as a DJ and Chloe a teacher in inner city Manhattan. They don't talk a lot about what happened in between their first few dates and now, but I think it's because they did things they don't like us to know about. It's not like we're all three teenagers, who know about sex and stuff. It is different though, with your parents.

            "Mama?" I turn on the couch to face my red headed parent, "Will you tell the story about the first time Mom played an elf?" I love that story, and it's almost Christmas. Since that first year in college, Mom has done it ever since.

            "That story again Melody?" Mom asks as she walks into the room.

            "C'mon, give the girl a break!" My brother, Reed, is always the first one to jump to my sister, Aria's, and mine defense. Being the only man in the house and the oldest child he felt he had brotherly duties, and he's not shy about letting everyone know.

            "Well..." And Mama is off, her hand laced with Mom's, as they launch into their past.

A/N: I know this was kind of a short cop out ending, but I needed closure on this thing, so here you go! If there's anything you think should have happen, I'd be happy to write on it. Hope y'all enjoyed the full story.

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