Break Up

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Yesterday had been tense. After Jesse stormed out of Beca's dorm, Chloe politely turned down breakfast, saying she should go make sure Aubrey was okay, leaving Beca all to herself. She spent most of the day with her music, creating mash ups and losing herself. When her stomach finally groaned so loud in protest she could hear it through her headphones, Beca was forced to eat. Eating meant going out on campus, with the possibility of seeing someone she knew. She ordered wings, but she still had to answer her door for the delivery person. She knew she wouldn't be able to hear them if she had her headphones on, so she had spent about a half an hour sitting crisscross on her bed thinking of both Jesse and Chloe. Beca rolled over not wanting to face all of the fallout from yesterday. Her clock read 12:58; she had to get up. Out of habit, she checked her phone. Three texts from Chloe:

Hey Becs can we talk about yesterday. We left it kinda weird.

If there's anything I can do to fix it I will.

I want you to be happy Shorty.

Beca smiled. That smug ass, she was not that short! I am happy Chlo. Beca shot back quickly, then thinking about her next response. I'd be happier if everyone acknowledged the fact that I'm not short I'm fun-sized but... Beca grinned, but knew she had to be serious with her friend. I hate that I lost my friend, but it wasn't right with us, romantically speaking.

Chloe nearly jumped when her phone buzzed from Beca's messages. She opened them quickly unsure if she wanted to see what Beca had to say. You know that feeling you get when you look at someone you really like? Beca's text hit home for Chloe. That was the feeling she got every time she say the mini freshman. Yeah. Chloe shot back. Never had that with him. A wave of relief washed over Chloe, then a wave of guilt. She shouldn't be happy Beca wasn't happy, but she was. One question nagged at Chloe. Why was he so angry? She sent Beca the question, chewing on her lip. You don't have to tell me though if you don't feel comfortable no pressure. Chloe followed up quickly with word vomit in text form.

Beca smiled at Chloe's ramble. Nah, it's chill. She sent back. He thought I had a thing for you. You do idiot, Beca reminded herself. I guess he was jealous of all the time we spent together. Beca followed up quickly, not wanting to stay on the whole 'thing for Chloe' thing. Why? Chloe shot back, causing Beca to laugh audibly, acquiring a glare from Kimmy Jin. Chloe and Beca had become so close, they were together almost every day since second semester started, maybe ever before that. Idk. The night before, before you called, we fought. He said I let you touch me more than I let him and that pissed him off. What Beca texted her wasn't a lie. Jesse hated that Chloe could cuddle and hug and hold hands with Beca whenever she wanted, but Jesse was barely allowed to hold Beca's hand and when they watched movies, they sat next to each other: no cuddling. Well I'm not sure you 'let me' do anything Becs, I just do. Beca laughed. At the beginning she hated the invasive touching, then she tolerated it, and now, now she loved it. Again, Beca giggled audibly. Very true. Beca sent out, and then thought about the other night. When she kissed Chloe's head. She had planned for it to be a comforting thing for Chloe, but there was something there when it happened, a spark, one could call it. I guess the spark just wasn't there.

With that text, Chloe closed her eyes, wishing that she had been the one Beca chose to entrance with a kiss after the ICCAs. Yeah. What a lame response? Chloe castigated herself. You want to do dinner sometime this week. Bree leaves to visit home on Thursday; she won't be back until Sunday. We could have the place to ourselves. Chloe bit on her lip hard. She was basically asking Beca out the day after she dumped her boyfriend, and for all she knew, Beca was straight.

Beca smiled at the idea of some alone time with Chloe, but it also freaked her out. What if she couldn't resist the feelings? Without thinking she sent out one last text. Sounds good.

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