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Beca's head throbbed. She wasn't sure how much alcohol she had consumed, but the last thing she remembered was Stacie starting 'Never have I ever'. Slowly, she crawled out of bed, realizing that it wasn't her own. With a swift look down, Beca was painfully aware of her lack of clothing. Only her undergarments remained. Next to her had been lying Chloe. How had she not realized the redhead was there? Last time they had slept beside each other, Beca woke up tangled up with Chloe's body. Beca slipped back into yesterday's clothes and slowly headed out of Chloe's room to see if Aubrey was up. Stepping out of the room, Beca heard repeated vague noise that was no doubt the shower. Beca just shrugged and plopped down into a kitchen chair. She would wake Chloe up soon enough, but right now she needed to control her hangover. Before she could search for the coffee maker, Beca jumped at a mysterious vibration, then laughed at herself when she realized it was just Aubrey's phone.

FAT AMY: Are we talking about Bloe???

Beca was confused. It came in over the Bella's group chat, but she hadn't gotten the message. To her surprise the last to messages she had gotten weren't messages at all; they were notifications.

STACIE removed CHLOE from this conversation

STACIE removed YOU from this conversation.

Beca didn't have the self-control not to respond, and Aubrey was in the shower, so why not?

AUBREY: What the hell is Bloe?

CR: Beca and Chloe duh

Duh? To anyone else there shouldn't be a Beca and Chloe. Beca could feel the angst naw at her stomach.

STACIE: They're hooking up though right.

Shit. Beca was not ready for this.

STACIE: Beca said she broke up with Jesse. That's why right.


Beca rolled her eyes. Why were her friends shipping them? That was so not cool.

AUBREY: That's none of our business.

Beca fired off; she hated when people were all up in her grill. Well people that weren't Chloe.

FAT AMY: C'mon Aca-Nazi, you know about the pool

The pool? Beca was pissed at this point. She appreciated that her friends were okay with the whole female-female relationship, but pissed that they were invading her privacy behind her back.

STACIE: Yeah if they're together, I win.

AUBREY: You all should really get lives.

JESSICA: Aubrey, you're literally in the pool.

FAT AMY: -.-. .- .-.. .-.. ..--..


LILLY: .-..

Beca's brow furrowed. What were they talking about?


FAT AMY: .- -... --- .-. - -.-.-- / -. --- - .- ..- -... .-. . -.-- -.-.--

STACIE: Oops, never mind

CR: Yeah, bye.

Beca was jolted away from the unusual conversation by Aubrey clearing her throat. Aubrey didn't look happy, but Beca was even less so. "You're looking at my phone." Aubrey growled.

"You're betting on me behind my back." Beca growled back. Aubrey's face flushed.

"It wasn't my idea." Aubrey offered softly.

"But you participated," Beca's voice increased in volume. "If I wanted you guys to know you would have."

"Beca, I didn't tell them anything" Aubrey tried to calm the angry freshman.

"Well, isn't that sweet." Beca wasn't sure why she was so angry or why she was yelling. Her friends liked to know about relationships, it's what friends did. A tired Chloe appeared in the doorway, without clothes.

"What's going on?" She mumbled, trying to take in the scene.

"Our friends bet on us." Beca growled and with a swift turn, she left. Chloe looked at Aubrey.

"Huh?" Chloe mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"There may have been a pool going, about when you two would hook up, and I may be part of it and Beca may have intercepted texts pertaining to that." Aubrey sighed. Why did she think she could keep secrets from her best friend? Aubrey looked up, almost afraid to meet Chloe's gaze, but Chloe just smiled, a short laugh exiting her throat.

"That's hilarious. Not in the best taste, but very cute." Chloe laughed, turning to her room. "I'll go find Beca."

Chloe knew exactly where to find Beca. In the old science wing, there were a series of empty lecture halls that hadn't been used in years. The fourth row down, the middle row, was a very good hiding spot. You could duck under the desk and not be seen. Sure enough, when Chloe creaked open the old, heavy door she heard a groan. "Go away," Beca was obviously trying to portray anger, but Chloe could hear the hurt.

"Becs, it's me." Chloe said softly, approaching Beca's go-to spot.

"What the fuck is my life" Beca hissed, punching the desk in table of her. Chloe placed her hand on the one Beca just hit; no doubt it hurt.

"It was in poor taste, yes, but there were good intentions." Chloe said softly. Beca didn't want to listen to reason. She wanted to hit something, or scream, or, her eye's met Chloe's lips. Without warning, she grabbed Chloe's face and forced their lips together in a sloppy, angry kiss. When Chloe pulled, away, she met Beca's eyes, which were less fierce as before. "Better?" Chloe asked, tracing Beca's jaw line with her finger. Beca laughed a little.

"Not quite yet," Beca smiled, pulling Chloe in for another kiss. This time though the kiss was different. Beca pulled away smiling. "I suppose now I'm better," she exaggerated a sigh, "but I can always use more cheering up." Chloe laughed.

"Not now, we should go talk to the girls, Aubrey especially." Beca sighed, knowing Chloe was right.

"Fine," she huffed, "but can we get coffee first?" Chloe laughed.

"Sure," and with that, they headed out of the old building.

A/N: Sorry about the morse code, I needed a way for Amy to make sure it was Aubrey and I've been learning morse. The messages are as follows:

FAT AMY: -.-. .- .-.. .-.. ..--.. (call?)

STACIE: ... (s)

LILLY: .-.. (l)

FAT AMY: .- -... --- .-. - -.-.-- / -. --- - .- ..- -... .-. . -.-- -.-.-- (abort! not aubrey!)

Coffee? (Bechloe)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon