Chapter 6

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Calico's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and clear my head of all thoughts of the past. I sigh, deeply, as I run my fingers through my long strands of hair.

I listened to the sound of the branch creak as the green-eyed vampire shifts his weight in the tree. Of course he wouldn't know that I knew I was being followed.

After all, he thinks I am only human. It will be to his shock that I am not. I am a half-breed, but I will get into that later. I could feel his every movement vibrating on the air like when you drop a small pebble in still water, it creates ripples that spread out to surrounding areas.

If I close my eyes I can feel everything, every current in the air, objects blocking the wind, movements against the wind, and much more.

I feel everything because everything has a soul and souls are my domain, my element. For example, their was a group of filthy bloodsuckers heading my way from the highway 3 miles from the direction I was facing. I smiled thinking of the way I was going to kill them for interrupting my night.


(I gave a hint of the other half of her breeding, can you guess?)

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