Chapter 24 - Joan Maddox

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           Gareth watches me expectantly as I grab my chopsticks. The sushi is ready, and it's time to try it and give my verdict. I think he is nervous, and maybe this makes me a horrible person, but I drag the situation, making him even more nervous.

"Itadakimasu," I say and Gareth's brows furrow a bit. "It means thank you for the food," I explain and he nods. I finally grab one of the pieces and give it a slow, hesitant bite, just to torture him a little bit more. "It's good," I finally compliment after I swallow the bite of sushi, giving him my best smile. "Not the best I've tried and it's not professional, but it's really good."

"Really?" asks the actor, his eyebrows raised in an expectant expression.

"Yes. You did well!" I celebrate him, clapping softly and keeping my smile. "Rest assured, you won't be eliminated from this round."

He chuckles before trying to grab a piece with his chopsticks, and if for me it's the most normal thing and don't even have to think about it, Gareth seems utterly concentrated, trying this best to keep the piece of sushi between the chopsticks, and when he tries to bite it, half of it falls to the table. I just stare at him, my hand in the air holding my own set of chopsticks.

"I don't have that talent," confesses the boy, blushing slightly and the sight makes my heart flutter. "I normally just grab them with my fingers but in front of you I wanted to... well... yeah..."

"Okay, let's try this. I'll help you," I offer, standing up and going to his side. "The chopstick at the bottom needs to be fixed. You don't move that one, okay? Between your thumb and your middle finger. That's how I hold it, it can vary though." I grab his hand and help him hold the chopstick, very concentrated on the task. "The other one grab it how you grab a pencil and that's the one you move. Now, try to always grab them from the very top of the chopsticks as that gives you a better arc to grab food and control the pressure. Then you just need to practise. Try now," I will him, just now turning to meet his face to find him looking at me instead of his own hand with the chopsticks.

My heart skips a beat and a lump appears in my throat, I can't even take a breath, realising how close we are, considering I'm leaning next to him. Now my heart races, hammering against my ribcage, and I'm afraid he can hear it because it's definitely loud, it's resonating in my ears. Or that might be my own pulse there. He doesn't even look away, his eyes locked with mine, breathing carefully. We are so close I can almost feel the air escaping from his slightly parted lips, brushing my own skin.

A sudden noise startles me, making me stand straight in one fluid motion, my eyes darting to the source of the noise just to find the chopsticks he was holding on the table. He dropped them. And I'm shaking inside and outside, my breathing quick and heavy so I hurry to go back to my side before he notices that. When I'm back on my seat and look up with meet his eyes I can see his cheeks blushed, probably as much as mine, so I press my lips in a tight line.

"Y-you just—just have to keep practising," I speak, my voice breaking at some point. I can't believe I'm this nervous. "My Grandma made me move beans from one bowl to another to master the technique. I play that with Cece and Pete. I always win," I tell him, trying to sound cheerful and as if nothing happened.

"Pete?" Gareth asks, his voice sounds also a bit higher than normal.

"Oh, Cece's boyfriend. I met him a while ago. Both are so fun to hang out with," I explain and he nods, but his expression is still tense.

"You hang out with them? Like, outside set?"

"Oh yeah, every time we get a chance. They normally invite me over for dinner. Mum keeps begging me to bring them home," I reply casually, finding comfort in talking about something so familiar and safe.

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