Epilogue - Earned Happy Ending

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I am shaking inside and out, I can barely hold myself in one piece. It's both excitement and terror running through my veins and I think I'll faint any minute now. But then I feel a large hand slipping around mine, grabbing it tight, giving me the comfort and serenity I need in this moment.

I look at my right just to find familiar warm brown eyes that smile wider than his lips can.

"It'll be fine," Gareth says softly, giving me a quick squeeze to my hand to reinforce his words. "We've all worked so hard and the critics have given positive feedback so far."

"I know," I murmur, still feeling shaky and at the edge of throwing up all I've eaten today. "I'm just nervous. Today we finally release the film to the world and I'm just... scared?"

"The fans will be happiest, and those who didn't read the books will enjoy the film as much. You did well, Ann, truly."

I nod ever so lightly because even if I've heard those words so many times already and I am actually proud of what I've done, I'm still extremely anxious for the premiere of Typhoon. This is the film I produced, for the one I worked so hard and it's finally seeing the light. Today the film is hitting the big screen for which it was made and I'm just nervous.

I wonder if this is how parents feel when they send their children to school the first time.

"Ann!" someone else calls from outside, clearly in a rush.

Gareth and I are alone for now as Cece is busy getting ready himself. Upon my request, we've come to my house to get ready for the premiere with my best friend's help, even if Gareth still feels uncomfortable in front of the makeup artist. Even if it's been a few months, Cece is quite resentful and still suspicious of Gareth although he's been nothing but constant and supportive.

Gareth and I... 

No, it's not like the relationships you see in films or read in manga, it's very different, very real. Firstly, it's just known to our loved ones, and we don't really have much time as a couple because I'm still working hard with Father, getting proper training as I prepare to study abroad for a year; Gareth keeps working as well, so we don't see each other much. However, we do make an effort to spend time together when that's possible. He likes inviting me to see his mother because she adores me and he is just too happy to have the two most important people for him together. His words, not mine.

Sometimes I go over to his flat and we don't do anything but discuss certain project or share comments on a new script he was sent, yet it's still nice to do that when we're next to each other, comfortably lying around in his living room. I particularly love when he just rests his head on my lap as he reads his scrip and I work on my own, too. It's just comforting to have him with me.

Although none of us knew how to be in a relationship, we've discovered it isn't that hard. It's just... being there. You share your happiness and your sorrows, you lean on the other and trust your significant other will catch you when you fall. You share a meal just as naturally as you share a smile. It's not much different from a friendship, but for two people who aren't even experienced on that, I guess it's just the same for us. Gareth and I aren't just boyfriend and girlfriend, we're also best friends.

And yes, Cece gets man every time I say this, but it's true.

Over the months and all the events that have unfolded since my father's stroke, I've come to realise many things. First, not having a talent or being particularly good at something doesn't make you unworthy, because if you work hard, maybe even harder than those with talents, you can still accomplish what you want.

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